HSM Pilot
FLYMARINES said:I have a quick question. Flight physicals are just something that worry me. I am contracted SNA with no problems at MEPS, OCS physical, etc. No waivers. But nonetheless it is something I worry about. If for some reason I got NAMI-Wammied when I made it to flight school, would it be at all possible to pick-up an Infantry slot, even post-TBS? If I couldn't be a pilot I would like to do Infantry, Ground Intel, Tanks, AAV, Artillery- Basically something involving ground combat. If I got NAMI-Wammied would they let me select my MOS, or would my future involve hearing "Adjutant's Call"?
Always a hot question. All attrites (medical or otherwise) submit a preference card and are allowed to compete for whatever MOS they want. MATSG-21 gives some input, then sends it off to the powers that be. Then they tell you what you are going to do. It is like everything, the needs of the MC come first, then your preference. It seems like people usually get something in the top 1/3 of their preference card.