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SoCal cops shoot unarmed airman

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So no $hit there I was


I'm not driving fast, I'm flying low
This is just wrong. That video would have convicted even OJ. As the guy is sitting there moaning in pain, the cop was telling the guy to STFU. I lack the words to describe what I think watching that...


Well-Known Member
Im gonna wait for the official report by IAB. But Im nowhere near happy with what I did see in this video.


FERS and TSP contributor!
I suspect the FBI will nail this police officer to the wall - and rightfully so.


Registered User
All the reporters and commentators on the news are trying to marginalise what the cop did, saying o well maybe the cop was stressed, and its not easy to know whos at fault. That is BS its plain as day what happened.


Registered User
That video is highly disturbing.

Plus, shot three times: shoulder, chest and leg. I think this deputy had a gun control problem.

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
Recidivist said:
That video is highly disturbing.

Plus, shot three times: shoulder, chest and leg. I think this deputy had a gun control problem.

If you mean accuracy, well, general statistics is that accuracy decreases by 3 fold in stress/combat situations. And believe it or not, when shooting a person, you don't want the bullets going in the same hole. Defeats the point.

NOTE: Haven't viewed the video, not commenting on the specific action necessarily


Whalebite said:
All the reporters and commentators on the news are trying to marginalise what the cop did, saying o well maybe the cop was stressed, and its not easy to know whos at fault. That is BS its plain as day what happened.

And I'm sure if that cop had shot a gang member or someone who was resisting arrest, the media would be calling the cop a whole slew of names and would accuse him of police brutality. God I hate the media sometimes!:icon_rage

Oh, and is it just me, or did that douchenozzle of a cop seem to enjoy having shot the guy? I hope he gets locked up for this.


Registered User
not necessariliy in the same hole, but shooting to injure (i.e. NOT in the chest) or to kill (i.e. NOT in the leg) would suggest that something was wrong with control. we're talking about a 5 foot spread.

General statistics also suggest that when the target is less than 5 feet away, accuracy (and precision) increases.

Precise shooting would put the bullets all in the same hole, accurate shooting would put them on target, wherever that was.


Well-Known Member
i'm glad someone posted something on this....was looking over at officer.com and I cant believe that most of the cops there are defending that deputy and putting down anyone else that says otherwise. i hope the air force SF guy sues and sues.


Naval Aviator
I'm just waiting for someone here to say "well, the airman shouldn't have been stupid enough to ride with a guy who would break the law so blatantly like that." I know it's coming...so let me call premature BS on that, stressful situation or no.

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
Recidivist said:
not necessariliy in the same hole, but shooting to injure (i.e. NOT in the chest) or to kill (i.e. NOT in the leg) would suggest that something was wrong with control. we're talking about a 5 foot spread.

No one shoots to injure. That happens in Hollywood and morons, only. Shoot to stop.

General statistics also suggest that when the target is less than 5 feet away, accuracy (and precision) increases.

Or in stress shooting, maybe with subpar training like many cops have (many to their OWN fault), you can completely miss a target at 5 feet. It's happened, more than once. Weird, I know.

Precise shooting would put the bullets all in the same hole, accurate shooting would put them on target, wherever that was.

Now you're playing the engineer/science semantics game. Don't go there, I was an EE ;)

P.S. Just watched the video. Some fvcked up ****. Not really sure what's going on though, it's hard to tell and hear.


Naval Aviator
Maybe no one is trained to shoot to injure, sure...are you saying that one never should, regardless of the circumstances? If I saw someone running away from me just for the sake of avoiding prosecution, what good does it do to drop him? One less "immoral" person in the world? Stupidity may deserve a death warrant, but I don't harbor some weird illusion that if I were to draw a gun, I'd have to shoot someone in the chest or else be delinquent. No one who isn't on PCP would continue to get up and attack you hand-to-hand if you put one through his kneecap, or better yet three. Or is this the age of Homeland Security, where that kind of dereliction might let thousands be killed? To be sure, the PD would back you up if you killed the sonofa*****, but there's no point in having a police department if that's the only way...why not just have an execution squad. Input from anyone who's ever covered someone with a gun at close range would be helpful here.


Ahhhhhh .... Chino California. What a garden spot.

But .... let us not make any rush to judgement over a poorly lit, grainy portion of a video (can you say "The greatest hits of (on?) Rodney King"???) --- since NONE of us know what we're talking about, here.....

Just a couple of things would seem to be inherent truths:

1. Don't ride in cars that go 100 MPH while attempting to evade police.

2. There are many sworn LEO's out there who are idiots and should never have been issued a badge and gun.
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