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Soviet Penetration of US Airspace

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Sky Pig Wrangler
there was a Russian aircraft that came to within, gasp, 100 miles of K-rock 2 weeks ago

my buddy was the ODO at the time and had to run through all these checklists, make phonecalls, put security on alert, etc

I mean, if the Russkies got pictures of our T-45A's, well, hell


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
usnmerritt said:
Zab, you're an idiot...God I hope I don't have a ship full of jackasses like you in Feb.

Soviets penetrated U.S. airspace several times over Alaska. Airspace beginning at the 12 mile out line, Soviet bombers and recon aircraft penetrated the lines several times during the 80's, probably more during the 70's. There's a few documented times that specifically account for some moron who strayed away from their survey package, nothing meant to be intentionally hostile but flew into the airspace regardless. In fact, I think you can do a search on several search engines to find some of this, but don't quote me on that.

Wow, I leave to travel x-ctry, and look at all I miss.

First of all, I should have clarified, yes, the Sovs did 'penetrate' Alaska. I was refering to more along the lines of a May, Blackjack or Bear overflying the West coast or New York (a bit different than a bug smasher full of coke running the border).

In the meantime usnmerritt, throttle back. While there are plenty of comments made on here worthy of titling the author "idiot" I don't think mine was one of them.


Registered User
[threadjack begin] "Hard to get an aircraft into U.S. airspace? While I'm a big fan of Customs and the ANG, all those drugs didn't all come here via pack mules on the Mexican border. ATCs loses radar contact all the time with normal flight parameters. If one was TRYING to evade, I think one would have a pretty good shot."

--back when the lambourgini (spelling?) countach came out, drug-runners would run the borders at about 180mph in the pitch black with their lights off wearing night-vision goggles. the cops would see a radar return and be like "wtf"? finally when they figured out what was going on, the started employing helicopters which helped bring the practice to an end. ok, sorry..

[end threadjack]


Well-Known Member
yup urban legend...i wonder how they would drive with other car's headlights being amplified tons of times by their goggles...probably not too well


NSW land
Hmm...interesting reading. Although, it sounds like the author is just stating an argument against the tale, not necessarily laying down proof in contradiction to it. He assumes the NVG's cannot be operated in the manner specified...not a good basis for proof.

But still, interesting reading nonetheless! :D


Well-Known Member
yes...it is an urban legend...most purposely due to the fact that i just mentioned. it has been shown that pilots using NVG's could see landing civilian aircraft miles and miles away and it was bright enough to disturb their view. Now if a car were driving along and a car was in front of them with their headlights on it would be conclusive that the person in the NVGs would be blinded due to this. Its not speculation, its fact.


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
You can drive with NVGs. Tactical drivers do it all the time, though not on open roads. A lot also depends on the version of goggles you use. Some Gen-2 POS goggs bought out of Brigade Quartermaster probably won't do the trick, but some ANVIS-9s with auto brightness control and bright source protection will cut through most of the blooming from bright lights. I'm not saying the legend is true, just saying that different goggles have different capabilities, and this isn't as open and shut "fact" as some would have you believe.

End threadjack...


is out to lunch.
What about using a thermal imager instead of NVGs? It is possible that civilians could lump them together.

Though I still don't believe that it ever happened.


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
A FLIR was an option on Cadillacs (I believe on the CTS) a couple years ago. Not enough people were willing to shell out $10K for it, though, so it was discontinued.


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
Yowch! I saw the ads for the FLIR but I didn't know it cost 10 Grand . . . Ah, well, we can still settle for the HUD on the Corvette . . .


is out to lunch.
nittany03 said:
Yowch! I saw the ads for the FLIR but I didn't know it cost 10 Grand . . . Ah, well, we can still settle for the HUD on the Corvette . . .

HOOORAY FOR CORVETTES!!!! <Though the HUD isn't on the C6 model yet>


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
They just need to put one on the RX-8. Then I'll be happy. :D
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