My feeling on the ARCO practice spatial apperception versus the real thing was that if you did well with the ARCO you'd probably be ok on the actual test. I would agree that there are a couple that are particularly tricky, although I can't think of any that seemed impossible. Probably one of the best things about the ARCO manual is that you can sit down and figure out what techniques work for you and apply them to the ASTB when you take it. Like I've said, I didn't feel it was too much trouble for me, I guess I've always been a visual sort of person, but if you do run into trouble you probably won't have nearly enough time to come up with something to help you get your mind around it. I think the spatial apperception section of the test is one that almost anyone could get decent scores on, but it wouldn't surprise me if a fair number of people who come into it cold tend to bomb out. This does not necessarily mean they're not cut out for it, it's just one of those things that it helps to get a feel for before actually doing it. Also, I feel that the ARCO book was only marginally helpful to me other than the spatial apperception part. It's worth looking through, but some will find it more useful than others.