I heard First Friday used to not be rollable which may have played a roll. We had 4 opportunities to get rolled. IST (~4 ish people rolled), FF (~15) , FC (~10) and RLP (~6), ~3 rolled for injury and like ~10 DORs. We started around ~95ish.I was not 05, I went through OCS in early 2021. Got there when Covid was still going strong and ROM was a thing for everyone. Maybe it was my class or the circumstances but in all of indoc we had around 15-20 people roll from a 100+ person class. Every single subnuc that was in my class except for 1 was a roll in. I was a candio for 15-21 which had a crap ton of subnucs fresh out of college and from what I heard H company became massive after their IST/Fast cruise.
Another reason why we might have had less is that our first 2 weeks there were locked away in a room 22 hours a day and only being let out to go PT outside, so that may have been a reason why fewer people rolled as well.
Later in OCS, we had a couple roll out/in for COVID, academics, inspections ect....