You are falling into the civilian troupe of the “broken warrior”. Shouldn’t we expect the elite to also be professional?
What's broken about them? These dudes are highly-competitive, aggressive, physical specimens. They are selected and trained to be the guys who can accomplish nearly anything on the battlefield. These dudes are the ideal warriors. We then put them into battle and tell them to win; and they do. They are not calibrated like you or me. That's why we're not SEALs and will never be. It takes a very special individual to want to deal with the difficulties of the NSW lifestyle.
Thinking that they're broken is like thinking that the dudes in the Golden Horde who razed entire villages for Genghis Khan were broken. They weren't, they just had a different calibration of their moral compass than we do. Same thing with the SEALs. We tell them to be saints like us, but they spend enough time in indian country and they realize that doesn't work. The moral outrage is entirely on the people stateside who would and will never be in the shoes of the Chief Gallagher and will never have to deal with hardships of war and thus clutch their pearls because they can't deal with the horrors of war and human conflict.
We have pushed the margins with NSW for a long time. Many times from the highest levels. When a DEVGRU CO starts giving out tomahawks to his SEALs and tells them to bring him scalps, then acts shocked when they try to do it... Maybe we should have put that CO on trial. That would have sent a clear message that the teams were getting out of hand and not above the law.
If pushing these guys so hard to be "stone cold killers and ruthless on the battle field" is going to drive them to do things that society finds morally reprehensible, then maybe we should rethink how we train/use NSW.
The thing is is that we select for this behavior and mindset. It's like telling Seaman Timmy about all the great things you can do in Thailand and Singapore, recruiting him into the Navy while telling him these stories, cajoling him into choosing an FDNF ship, and then being surprised that he goes out and does every single one of those fun things in those foreign ports. We specifically recruited the kind of guy who is wired to like adventure, puts up with difficulty and hardship, and also is motivated by being able to drink, fight, and bang foreign women in faraway lands. Same thing with the SEALs.
We need to get out of our minds that we build up our military and then send them away to foreign lands to knock on doors politely and have afternoon tea with our enemies. Militaries by nature are designed to destroy the will and ability of the enemy to fight and bring about their capitulation as quickly and efficiently as possible. We need to rid ourselves of the notion that they're designed to win hearts and minds; that's how you lose wars and get mired in endless pyrrhic conflicts that accomplish nothing other than sending our young men and women to slaughter for ambiguous strategic goals in countries that have never known and will never know democracy.