I'm quite content with living like a hobo.
Is that what the P-8 transition is like ???
The Puma got me laid more often than a condo on the beach. Truth.Yeah, he should buy a camper. Fringe benefit: the chicks will dig it.
Craigslist sublets are a good option, though picking through the sketchy options is a fun task. I crashed with a forty year old dude who had a spare bedroom and included utilities in the cheap ass rent. It was pretty weird, but he cooked for me and let me drink his booze, so it wasn't all bad.
I'm a chick, so no, but the moral of the story is I'm quite content with living like a hobo.
FIFY..... Mr. Robinson?
Do you have any friend's there? I lived on a couch and paid my rent in beer for three months.
^ +1 to this one in particular.
I am actually in the same situation as you out west, and this was the route that I chose initially, but it definitely gets old after a while, so I went a different direction. Has anyone here already suggested trying to sort out some sort of no-cost/TAD orders to wherever your folks live? It is not a bad way to go, and you'll still collect whatever BAH you were making at your ROTC unit. Shouldn't be too hard to find a command willing to take you: no cost to them, and another ENS to stock the coffee....