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Steve Jobs is dead.


Looking forward to some P-8 action
It doesn't matter if you're an Apple fanboy or a Mac Hater, it's hard to deny the genius that was Steve Jobs. He managed to pull off the impossible by polishing a turd, and then making people think that they had the shiniest piece of gold on the block. I don't think Apple will ever be quite the same. I'm interested to see how his passing will impact Apple's product development.

Though I am an Apple fanboy myself, I think I appreciate his work with John Lasseter and Pixar more than anything. Truly a sad day.


Well-Known Member
Some of the things for which we have Apple to thank (Apple did none of them "first", they just did them right, in a way consumers could afford and understand, and mainstreamed them):

The personal computer (Apple //)
The mouse
The graphical user interface (Macintosh)
The 3.5" floppy
The laser printer (LaserWriter)
Desktop publishing
Simple home/office networking (AppleTalk)
Simple, local TCP stack (MacTCP -- this is what enabled internet networking in the early days)
Wireless networking (AirPort -- before this there was NO usable 802.11 consumer networking anywhere)
USB (an Intel technology, but the original iMac was the first computer to mainstream USB by eliminating the floppy and legacy ports, thus forcing its adoption and opening the peripheral market)
FireWire (use for many years, and still used, as a chief high-speed bus for professional video)
The death of the 3.5" floppy
Portable music players (iP0d)
Online music sales (iTunes -- #1 music store of any type)
Online media sales (as much as people hate on Apple and name competitors, it's #1)
Eliminating DRM from online music (this would not have happened without pressure from Apple)
Touchscreen smartphones (iPhone)
Multitouch (seen nowhere in any consumer device outside of online videos before the iPhone)
Smartphones that can use data for anything and any app on any carrier (without the iPhone, there would be NO Android as we know it today)
Tablets (tablets languished and floundered for many, many years before Apple realized that you can't shoehorn a desktop OS onto a tablet)

The list goes on, and on, and on.

No, Apple was not first and did not "invent" any of these. But Apple, and Steve Jobs in particular, had a unique insight into these technologies. Anyone in computer science or the general IT realm who doesn't have a vitriolic hatred for Apple openly acknowledges this. Apple isn't the only innovator, but it has been a massive one, largely thanks to Steve's vision.

Thanks, Steve, for all you've done.


Mobilizer Extraordinaire
He greatest creation wasn't any one thing. It was Apple itself.


Will fly for food.
After watching the tributes to him, you see the original iMac and iPod and it's impressive to see how far we've come in such a short time.


Nobel WAR Prize Aspirant
From: http://scoopertino.com/exposed-the-imac-disaster-that-almost-was


Now with even more awesome!
I feel horrible for admitting I know this, but Scoopertino is the Apple version of the Onion. It's all satire.

Nice try on the Troll, though.


Looking forward to some P-8 action
So the wackos at Westboro Baptist Church plan to picket Steve Jobs funeral. According to them (Margie Phelps, daughter of the church founder), he "Gave God no glory and taught sin." Here's the link to the LA Times article. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/nat...hurch-plans-to-picket-steve-jobs-funeral.html

The best part about how Margie Phelps announced it. . .she tweeted it from her iPhone. If that doesn't set off some irony alarms, I don't know what would.


Back from the range
Picked up a new iMac at the Columbia MD store today and there was a collection of post it notes and memorial stuff outside the store.

What other CEO in the world can you recall where the employees and the customers mourn their death?

This new iMac replaces a 7 year old G5 which will now replace a 13 year old G3 in my workshop which replaced a Mac Quadra 610 which replaced a Mac SE/30 I bought circa 1988 from Ballard Computer in Seattle.


Looking forward to some P-8 action
Picked up a new iMac at the Columbia MD store today and there was a collection of post it notes and memorial stuff outside the store.

What other CEO in the world can you recall where the employees and the customers mourn their death?

This new iMac replaces a 7 year old G5 which will now replace a 13 year old G3 in my workshop which replaced a Mac Quadra 610 which replaced a Mac SE/30 I bought circa 1988 from Ballard Computer in Seattle.

Yeah, people can say what they want about Apple computers. . .but I'm using a MacBook Pro right now that I've had for five years, and it's still running like a champ. I've upgraded the RAM and added a new battery. It still runs as well as the day I bought it. In the mean time, I've gone through one HP laptop, and a couple of netbooks, and I just replaced a 1 year old ASUS motherboard on my windows desktop. I had the same good luck with my iBook G4 which finally decided to call it quits last year after almost 7 years of faithful service, including two long deployments to Iraq.

Apple's products just seem to be better made than some other manufacturer's products. Maybe I just treat them better since I paid more for them? I don't know. As long as I have the ability to run Windows/Linux on my mac alongside Apple's OS, I'll keep buying their products.


Well-Known Member
My girlfirend ended her mourning by purchasing an iPhone 4S. Aside from my old Linux laptop, everything in the house is MAC.

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk


Brett327 gargles ballsacks
6 years on my crackbook. Only thing that pisses me off is the case keeps cracking around it. 1st hard drive (and the screen) died when I dropped it; the replacement one lasted 5 years. I just put a new 750 gb hitachi drive into it and it cost me all of 50 bucks. Yea...this computer is wayyyy better than my dell.


Now with even more awesome!
This new iMac replaces a 7 year old G5 which will now replace a 13 year old G3 in my workshop which replaced a Mac Quadra 610 which replaced a Mac SE/30 I bought circa 1988 from Ballard Computer in Seattle.

I finally threw out my old "pizza box" Performa 476 (vintage 1994) last year. I just can't seem to part with the iMac G3 we bought my grandparents circa 1998. . . I think I'm gonna turn it into a Macquarium.