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Stuck with a surface nuke cruise... suggestions?


Well-Known Member
So I asked for a 1/c Aviation Cruise this summer but due to a paperwork delay I ended up being assigned to USS Harry Truman for a surface nuke cruise. I have no interest in nuke power school so I'm hoping they don't spend too much time trying to recruit me, but who knows. The way I understand it, we're supposed to spend 1/3 of the time in engineering and 2/3 elsewhere. My questions are: what can I expect from the remaining 2/3 of my time? Should I pack more/less than what's on the list? What is berthing like for a 1/c on a carrier?

I'm excited to be out on the carrier, I just hope there's more in store for me than calculus.


Well-Known Member
I got my "shooter" training on HST - an awesome CVN. Food was good, crew was good and the airwing was a good bunch as well (CVW-3 I think). Anywho, try to get up to the tower and meet the Air Boss and Mini Boss (I'm assuming the airwing will be embarked ???). Tell them who and what you are and I'm sure they will "hook you up" with the right kind of aviation-minded professionals who can show you the ropes. As for your 1/3 with the reactor zombies - good luck and God speed !!!


Well-Known Member
I'm supposed to be underway from INCONUS to INCONUS, for an unspecified amount of time... I think the chances of having the airwing embarked are not great, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed!


Well-Known Member
I had a buddy who got a surface carrier cruise his second class year. he ended up flying off the carrier with some of the embarked super hornet/s-3 squadrons, so get in touch with the aviation side of the house and let them know what you want. The worst they can say is no...


Internet killed the television star
My brother is an engine room supervisor on the Truman, so while it is the nuke side of the house, drop me your info and I'll let him know your on the way. If nothing else he may be able to show you some stuff about the engine room/reactor that you would have otherwise not seen.


I'm not dead yet....
My brother is an engine room supervisor on the Truman, so while it is the nuke side of the house, drop me your info and I'll let him know your on the way. If nothing else he may be able to show you some stuff about the engine room/reactor that you would have otherwise not seen.

No offense to your brother, but if it's anything like the aft end of a submarine I was imprioned on for a midshipman cruise it will still be like wathcing paint dry.

Try and work a good deal with the shooters and the squadrons.


Internet killed the television star
No offense to your brother, but if it's anything like the aft end of a submarine I was imprioned on for a midshipman cruise it will still be like wathcing paint dry.

Try and work a good deal with the shooters and the squadrons.

Yeah, none taken. I was a nuke before so I know how boring watching a steam pressure gauge can be. :sleep_125


UO Future Pork Chop
A bit of a threadjack, but has anyone ever heard of BDCP guys going on summer cruises with nearby NROTC units?
I've been looking for ways to get a little bit of fleet experience, or at least SOMETHING having to do with the Navy before going to OCS. I asked my recruiter if I could go to Basic for a summer or something, but he said it's not possible.


Well-Known Member
BDCP is a scam. You will get enough real experience later. You are already locked into a designator.

Enjoy your time and $$


is clara ship
To the OP, have you gotten your physiology quals and flight physical yet (which you would have presumably done in preparation for your 1/c aviation cruise)? If not, is there any way that you can? In terms of flying, the ejection seat and water physiology quals were showstoppers....you will not go flying in a jet w/o them, unless the airwing staff can help you get that sorted out (unlikely). With that squared away, it is very likely that you will get to fly in one or more platform(s) if you are out on a CVN, even as a "surface nuke" cruisee. When I did my 2/c on the Kitty Hawk, the only difference between the "SWO" and "aviation" cruise Mids was who their sponsor/running mate was. You will probably be assigned to the Engineering dept, but that doesn't mean that while you aren't on watch you can't go around the ready rooms and see who will take you up. Also, definitely get in good w/ the shooters as they normally are glad to take mids up on deck for flight ops. If a squadron can't fly you for whatever reason, see if their LSO's will take you up on the flight deck to watch what they do....its pretty cool to see, and about as close to the a/c you can get w/o actually flying in one. Good luck, and have fun!