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Stuck with a surface nuke cruise... suggestions?


Combating TIP training AGAIN?!
A bit of a threadjack, but has anyone ever heard of BDCP guys going on summer cruises with nearby NROTC units?
I've been looking for ways to get a little bit of fleet experience, or at least SOMETHING having to do with the Navy before going to OCS. I asked my recruiter if I could go to Basic for a summer or something, but he said it's not possible.

I can't say as I blame you. I have to hear all of the stories from the Mids telling me all the awesome shit they did on cruise. I don't want to be a hater, but they basically get to do all the cool shit that I would NEVER get to do when I had chevrons. I would love to go on a cruise instead of taking summer classes! :)


You guys .... ALL OF YOU .... who want to make Aviation a career in or out of the Navy SHOULD avail yourselves of a Black Shoe summer cruise(s) when or if the opportunity arises. It's how you learn about the heart and soul of the USN .... if you draw an Aviation MIDN "cruise" -- you learn next to nothing about how the Fleet operates.

While a MIDN, my 2 at-sea summer cruises (8 weeks each) were 100% Black Shoe, even when aboard aviation capable ships. The 2/C cruise was 1/2 USMC indoc and 1/2 Aviation indoc -- 8 weeks, again.

But 3/C and 1/C cruises were when we learned a little about what it was like to be a white-hat and what it was like to be a JO. Short samples, to be sure ... but well worth it.

I realize it's different now ... too bad for you ... but take advantage of your time aboard ship to learn about the "Navy" ... this from a guy who's been in Aviation for > 40 years and liked it that way .... :)


I believe nicotine + caffeine = protein
this from a guy who's been in Aviation for > 40 years and liked it that way .... :)

%$#&, you are, like, my granddads age ... :D Guess thats why I tend to listen to what you have to say...

A4s on his MIDN cruise...

Winging photo...


UO Future Pork Chop
I'm not trying to game it anymore, or just looking for fun. I want to have at least a little bit of an idea of what enlisted guys go through, or the real Navy is, instead of being a wannabe know-it-all O-1.