I understand why loans can be a good thing. My parents are not low income, but not upper middle class. They make just enough to not qualify for significant aid and just little enough to not pay for school. (oh and they didnt save, but A. thats not my fault and B. I still love them.) I'm going to a prestigious school for over $33,000 a year that is on of the top in the nation for my degree in mechanical engineering. I get financial aid, i get some from my parents, i work, and i have an honors GPA so i also get significant academic scholarships. That being said i will graduate with over $70,000 in student loans.
You can say this is not wise, not worth it, or a bad decision but i disagree. Yes I could have gone to my local state school for the same major, with a full scholarship. But many graduates of that school have had trouble finding good jobs and companies that want them. I'm expected to make $20,000 more a year graduating from my school than typical graduates from the state school. Multiply that by 30-40 years, subtract the student loans, and it still was a better investment!!
So if you look in the grand scheme it can be a wise investment! Oh and I also have a 401K started and roth IRA, so I'm not doing so bad!
I hope to save for my children's education so they do not have to go through this to the degree that I have.
That's just my take. It doesn't mean I'm not jealous of the instate kids, the wealthy parents kids, or the "i have no idea what this costs because i dont have to" kids (i hate those)... but i have a better sense of money management, personal responsibilty, and the monetary worth of each class i take than any of my peers.