I'm curious from reading the election thread; how often do people talk about politics in the ready room and similar environments? Is it a taboo subject, and about how often does it come up?
My time in the Navy has spanned the Clinton, G.W.B., and Obama years. Generally speaking I remember a lot more over grumbling about Clinton than about either of his successors; but then, the grumbling was mostly about the defense cuts his admin made. Me and the rest of the young'uns wondering if there'd still be a Navy by the time we were up for O-3.
There's usually one or two Blue guys, one or two dudes who always seem to be on Infowars, the rest are somewhere in the middle. I won't say politics, sex, and religion are taboo, as I hear they used to be, and the vast majority of discussions I've been in and among have been intelligent and civil even when disagreements are strong. Usually the XO or some other adult supervision will tamp things down ("Take it somewhere else, gents") if they get overly animated.