API Warrior
Whatever you do, for the love of god, don't forget your KNIFE HANDS.

Do we test Monday or Tuesday after we arrive? I was also reading that there is a toe touching section of the test?
Also, to re-ask my previous question. If we choose to fly in, on average do they get in in the day before or when?
Anyone who has been through OCS know if this page_VERSION_September10_2012V2.pdf gouge is all I need to have memorized before arriving at OCS? I want to have all the memorization stuff down so I will not have to worry about learning it all at OCS.
I don't know if this is a Pensacola vice Newport difference, but you will not be malnurished at OCS. You can easily eat over 1,000 calories a meal and are required to down a bowl of vegetables. You might still be hungry depending on your metabolism, but malnurished? No.Also yes, your PFA is fine now, but remember, for the all the ones except the first one, you will be mal-nourished (to a point), VERY sleep deprived and body overall fatigued. THAT is when you need to suck it up and give 110%.
I don't know if this is a Pensacola vice Newport difference, but you will not be malnurished at OCS. You can easily eat over 1,000 calories a meal and are required to down a bowl of vegetables. You might still be hungry depending on your metabolism, but malnurished? No.
Also large quantities of blue powerade make you poop green. Who knew?
It depends on your DI. We were only allowed protein and complex carbs until week 6. We didn't get fruit or veggies until that point. And maybe malnourished was pushing it, but 1000 calories a meal we did not get for a long while. Everyone's experiences were different, doesn't make it completely wrong just because it didn't happen to you.
And being 6'5 and 235 lbs, getting just about 400-600/meal 3x a day for 6 weeks sucked and it felt like it.
Yea our class had a bigger problem with eating TOO MUCH for the first few days - minimum 10 canteens of water a day plus 3 huge meals (with the Candios pushing even more fluids) just to sit at attention at medical. You're grateful for the hydration come Wednesday though...I don't know if this is a Pensacola vice Newport difference, but you will not be malnurished at OCS. You can easily eat over 1,000 calories a meal and are required to down a bowl of vegetables. You might still be hungry depending on your metabolism, but malnurished? No.
Also large quantities of blue powerade make you poop green. Who knew?