Roger, solves that dilemma. Thanks, any other words of wisdom unifrom wise? I just ordered medals which cost $120...I knew the day would come when I would have to get them.
Best advice I can give about OCS is that attention to detail is key. If you stand out in a bad way (e.g. wearing the stirrup shirt stays outside of your socks, boots not shined, not shaving every morning, etc.), DI's and RDC's will pick up on that quickly and punish you for it. So make sure you're taking the time every so often to square away your uniform, shine your boots/shoes, check for strings (or IP's, as they used to call them), and you should be fine. Since you're a prior, if you're bringing footwear, it's the black leather boots and shoes, so no rough-out boots or corframs (although we had one prior chief in our class who had to wear them because he had to special order the leather shoes when he got here, so maybe bring them just in case, but it's up to you). If you have any questions about uniforms while you're at OCS, your best bet is usually your class RDC, unless you have any prior chiefs in your class.