Civilians see that picture and think something like "Cool!" or "How many schools would that pay for?"
I see that picture and think "Morning traffic is going to be a BITCH!"

Civilians see that picture and think something like "Cool!" or "How many schools would that pay for?"
I see that picture and think "Morning traffic is going to be a BITCH!"
I get that... but ya know they've been dumping endless ton of $$$ into schools already, has done nothing but added hordes of non-producing school administrators, totally screwed over the curriculum, and bloated union coffers.Civilians see that picture and think something like "Cool!" or "How many schools would that pay for?"
Periodic traffic crush exists in nearly every major city. This was a very rare situation, to have that many CVNs in port together. Result of schedule changes & uncertainty in anticipation of effect of the [then]upcoming sequester. Also, the "Big E" was just parked there temporarily with skeleton crew, awaiting disposition. The "big hammers" looked pretty awesome though.I see that picture and think "Morning traffic is going to be a BITCH!"
If traffic is the problem they just need to get more states onboard with lane sharing (ala California).
I don't think I was ever late getting on or off North Island. Except for when there were jumpers.
If your an aviator NAMI hates candidates that go into med hold.
Yeah, you'll continue to receive BAH if you are already receiving it but you will lose BAS though.Hello question is in regard to BAH. I am already receiving BAH as an E-5 now, will I continue to receive this allowance while attending OCS if my lease is still active?
Periodic traffic crush exists in nearly every major city. This was a very rare situation, to have that many CVNs in port together. Result of schedule changes & uncertainty in anticipation of effect of the [then]upcoming sequester. Also, the "Big E" was just parked there temporarily with skeleton crew, awaiting disposition. The "big hammers" looked pretty awesome though.
During 6-7th week all the SWO's in your class will get together to figure out ship selection. You have aways until then. Focus on the steps ahead first.
Yup that's true he is not included for some reason, giving you 13.Can any recent OCS grads confirm the chain of command as far as the VP being in it for OCS purposes? I have heard he is not currently being included and there is only 13 as opposed to 14. Makes no sense to me.
Thank you mikes3...I'm stationed on a ship so I'm getting sea pay not BAS. I'm aware that my sea pay will stop.Yeah, you'll continue to receive BAH if you are already receiving it but you will lose BAS though.
Can any recent OCS grads confirm the chain of command as far as the VP being in it for OCS purposes? I have heard he is not currently being included and there is only 13 as opposed to 14. Makes no sense to me.
Are you talking about motorcycle lane sharing?