OCS starts on Sunday of Week 1 and ends Friday of week 12. All you do on that last Friday is graduate....
Hi, please forgive me if the questions has been asked over and over. I am applying for SWO/supply/intel and trying to wrap up my package for submission. According to my recruiter, only Three LORs are submitted with the package and the recruiter will help me pick the best three if I have more. Also she states that an interview with her is sufficient for the application package as there is no need to have three Officer interviews to finish the appraisal sheet if I am not prior enlisted. Can anyone help me verify this? Thanks so much for your generous help in advance! A little background of me, I have a bachelor degree of a Electrical Engineering at UCLA with 3.3 GPA and my OAR score is 63 with somewhat moderate LORs. Just want to be fully prepared to submit the applications.
Thanks NavyOffRec and mich for the feedbacks. Now I have a better understanding of which materials are required and which can be used as additional supporting documents. Yes it seems SWO/Supply/Intel are very full and there are lots of pro rec'd on the waiting list for FY 15 and it gots me worried as I am planning to submit my package before March. According to the recruiter that is the deadline for general Officer board but I have not been giving details. In term of nuke program nobody has provided me any information on that. Any suggestion?
Sorry just double checked I have about 5 classes that are B- in major curriculum. Guess I am out of the potential considerations.![]()
Questions about running shoes: so we're supposed to bring 2 pairs - one to run in, one to show off in our locker for inspection. Do they have to be same "make and model?" Or can I bring my high quality running shoes to train in and a pair of cheap-o's to keep in my locker?
Realistically speaking, you don't need to bring two pairs. But because you're going to: The second pair can be whatever you want. Get something cheap so you don't look back on your OCS days and think, "Man, I wish I didn't spend $50 on this crappy pair of shoes for no reason at all."
Totally not speaking from experience. Nope. Definitely not. I love my shitty green shoes that don't fit. Love 'em.
Do not give up yet. Granted there is a chance that I will not be selected for the NUPOC program, I have already made it through the 'smell test' and am working with a Nuclear OR. We have very similar statistics and both have pretty tough degrees heavily based in calculus and physics.
We went over all my grades, and I got a D in one calculus class (B on the re-take), then another C in a second calculus class. This oviously is not optimal, but since I ended up performing much better in more difficult calculus based physics, dynamics, thermodynamics, etc., I can make the case that I was not prepared for college and the difficulties I had ended up helping me. I got a kick in the nuts, got back up and told myself I would do better and not give up. I ended up kicking ass my last 2 years of school and almost graduated with honors (.01 away)
So unless you are totally turned off by the NUPOC program, it would behoove you to give it a look. I am sure that if they rejected everyone who did not have a blemish in their package somewhere, they would struggle to retain the manpower needed for the program. I could be wrong, but I don't want to out-think my common sense.
It's kind of like college dorms, suite-style setup. Two beds to a room, and every pair of rooms has a room with two showers. So it's basically four people sharing two showers between them. I would bring some shower shoes. You'll get issued a cheap pair when you get there, but you'll want to keep those nice for RLP. It's not open heads like boot camp or the Old Nimitz building, but just to be on the safe side, I'd recommend shower shoes. And some Gold Bond too.Figured this fit into this thread, enlisted boot camp was open stall showers, what's the set up at OCS? Do the rooms have a shower or is it like college dormrooms or what? Basically the required items does not have shower shooes, should we bring them?
Oh they'll still try to force water down your throat, eight canteens a day. We usually had head/hygiene calls for about 15 minutes or so, in the morning right after PT/breakfast, but they get more flexible once you're more autonomous, as long as you're on time for classes and drill and so on. Plus once classes start, you get regular head breaks, so that isn't too much of an issue. I'm not sure if you guys had "eating by the numbers" at boot camp, or if that was purely an OCS invention, but that's gone now. You get 15 minutes to eat each meal, but almost the whole chow hall is unlocked, except for soda and ice cream and things like that. People who have gone through more recently can go into further detail, but the impression I got from the priors in my class is that OCS generally sucked less than boot camp.so not look boot camp where they give 10 minutes to shower? you actually get a normal part of life to use the bathroom? this brings up an interesting topic, so what are some of the daily things that sucked in enlisted boot camp but are better in OCS or are same at OCS? like 5 minutes to pump and dump? 10 minutes to shower? i think i read somewhere that they make you drink a ton of water too?