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Well-Known Member
Ok. I understand that this question is going to seem somewhat pointless, but what type of surface are PFT's done on? Specifically the sit-ups. I had a boil on my tail bone as a teenager that was lanced and has caused my tailbone to become tender fairly easily. All I really need to know is, can I expect a grass like surface or a basketball court? I am preparing for OCS and I have done sit-ups on several different surface types and I have noticed that I am much slower on harder surfaces due to discomfort.
Actually, you will get RPT'd on cement. It's not comfortable, sorry. Sometimes you may be able to slide your hands under your hips for 6-90s (leg lifts).


Well-Known Member
What should we memorize/study before arriving?
This question has been answered a few times on here. (Use the search button.) But you should probably start studying the first half of Appendix B. Some people show up having never looked at it and do just fine. But I'd recommend having a basic knowledge of at least the first half.


This question has been answered a few times on here. (Use the search button.) But you should probably start studying the first half of Appendix B. Some people show up having never looked at it and do just fine. But I'd recommend having a basic knowledge of at least the first half.


Gator Guard

always knife hands
I studied Bravo and Charlie to the point where I filled in my gouge pack from memory during admin week, and it absolutely gave me a leg up. Memorizing for RLP wasn't a factor so there was a lot less stress going in. Ended up with a Chief (who are more knowledge focused) and my RLP was over in about 4 minutes.

If you have the time, study all of Bravo.

mad dog

HELNONMONKSPANKRON assistant to the assistant PAO
...my RLP was over in about 4 minutes.
@Gator Guard...and that's why my (our) RLP lasted 2 hours...because of squared away people like you. Your RLP is over in about 4 minutes...which leaves them tons-o-time to dick with non-squared away people. They found IPs on our IPs! WTFO? Way to go regarding screwing it up for the rest of us. ;)


Well-Known Member
I read over 1,200 posts in this thread, definitely recommend it. You can see changes over the last 3-4 years, but there are many similar questions whose answers haven’t changed (ie getting there, tdy instead of pcs, moving stuff, etc..). Also, attached is a long, but recent (23Oct 15) gouge of OCS someone posted in a different sub-forum. Despite those, I still have a few questions.

1.) A motif is comfort, so…
Swim Goggles?
How many soft white towels (big/small)?
Anything other little things not considered contraband?

2.) PT
As an IRONMAN triathlete and HS track coach (who does all the workouts) PT, PFA, and RPT shouldn’t be a problem. Am I able to do additional PT such as swim, bike, and run?

3.) Medical
Is removal of wisdom teeth necessary?

4.) Other
Get a glasses strap, or will new glasses be issued? Mine are just cheapo brown metal.
Is it alright to bring an electric toothbrush?
Currently don't have checks, so is there a form for direct deposit? Might just a USAA account though..


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Pew pew pew
I read over 1,200 posts in this thread, definitely recommend it. You can see changes over the last 3-4 years, but there are many similar questions whose answers haven’t changed (ie getting there, tdy instead of pcs, moving stuff, etc..). Also, attached is a long, but recent (23Oct 15) gouge of OCS someone posted in a different sub-forum. Despite those, I still have a few questions.

1.) A motif is comfort, so…
Swim Goggles?
How many soft white towels (big/small)?
Anything other little things not considered contraband?

2.) PT
As an IRONMAN triathlete and HS track coach (who does all the workouts) PT, PFA, and RPT shouldn’t be a problem. Am I able to do additional PT such as swim, bike, and run?

3.) Medical
Is removal of wisdom teeth necessary?

4.) Other
Get a glasses strap, or will new glasses be issued? Mine are just cheapo brown metal.
Is it alright to bring an electric toothbrush?
Currently don't have checks, so is there a form for direct deposit? Might just a USAA account though..

No need for swim goggles, don't even remember them offering nor saw anyone use them.

Swimming and running is available as a candio. As well as the base gym.

Yes, wisdom teeth removal is necessary but they may refer you to an outside clinic or your next command depending on the situation.

Get a glass strap because everyone breaks their issued ones, or has the wrong lenses.

There is a direct deposit form which iicr is the only way you will be able to get paid. Call USAA to get a few checks because you'll need them, or go and open a NavyFed account at a local branch, if available.

Mr Spenz

"Your brief saved your flight' - every IP
@Gator Guard...and that's why my (our) RLP lasted 2 hours...because of squared away people like you. Your RLP is over in about 4 minutes...which leaves them tons-o-time to dick with non-squared away people. They found IPs on our IPs! WTFO? Way to go regarding screwing it up for the rest of us. ;)
RLP was the best part of OCS looking back...if you don't shart a little bit you didnt do it right.


RLP was the best part of OCS looking back...if you don't shart a little bit you didnt do it right.

At RLP, my chief inspecting me shouted, "Side straddle hops!" And coming from a civilian background I forgot what that was. After a moment of giving him a blank look, he repeated, "Side straddle hops, right now!"

I started hopping from side to side, like a sideways hopscotch, both feet. He looked at me like I was crazy, and I remembered after that side straddle hops = jumping jacks.

But that's what happens at OCS. If you don't know what to say or do, make it up, but do it quick, do it loud, and own it! It's okay to be wrong. It's not okay to do nothing or say nothing.

I passed that inspection


New Member
Hey all, i'm leaving for OCS on 29NOV. I was just wondering, given the events occurring in Paris, while we're at OCS how disconnected are we from specifically the news? Will we be able to keep up with current events going on outside of the bubble of OCS?

Gator Guard

always knife hands
Yes you will. After general quarters on the Friday of week 3, you will move into rooms with laptops. The internet is extremely restricted, but there is a Canadian news website that works.


Pew pew pew
Hey all, i'm leaving for OCS on 29NOV. I was just wondering, given the events occurring in Paris, while we're at OCS how disconnected are we from specifically the news? Will we be able to keep up with current events going on outside of the bubble of OCS?

You are pretty disconnected if you aren't tech savy. My class missed the entire ebola outbreak coverage, good riddance.