Okie! Just graduated with Class 04-20 here on 20DEC. Most of the best info is already out there but a few quick hits for everyone:
1. There will be no more physical copies of OCRs. They’re all going to be digital and on the computers. That means that you will not be able to really start setting up anything for RLP prior to you getting issued your ghost tokens. It also means that the OCR can be updated while you are at OCS and you will be expected to abide by the new version.
2. DO NOT USE CLIPBOARDS!!!!!!! One of the most common hits for RLP and OPI (they’re checking under beds now) was for clipboard dust. Spatulas are the way of the future; not only can you get a tighter rack due to the angle but they don’t leave shavings, etc. Do yourself a favor and buy one of the big metal spatulas at the NEX the first weekend you can.
3. RE: Computer use and ghost cards, randomly using FB, gmail, etc will be out. OTCN is going to lock down the internet access. Furthermore, they’re installing the same system as Great Lakes and class team will be able to look at your screens whenever they’d like.
4. If you do something that is worthy of a PRB, don’t equivocate or try and explain. Own up to it and acknowledge what you did, and then move forward for an explanation if they ask for it. The quickest way to earn yourself a ticket back to Week 1 rather than roll is to try and BS your way out of trouble; it isn’t worth it.
4.1: Keep it in your pants. Saw multiple people get attrited to Great Lakes because they couldn’t.
5. Be prepared for the IST. You are going to get sharked.... hard. A couple people were caught cheating and ever since they have been watching very, very closely. If your form sucks, you’re going to get pulled. If you try and cheat, you’ll be in student pool in about 20 seconds.
6. If you roll to H, get yourself ready to be back in your class. When you get back into the program, you need to get out of the “oh, H isn’t that bad of a place” mentality. It has to become the worse case scenario. A very large number of the H’ers that rolled for IST, First Friday, Sucky Saturday, and Fast Cruise rolled again for RLP because they didn’t have that do or die attitude towards H class. 16 weeks is long enough, no need to make it 19+.
I’m sure there are some more things that will come to mind and will put up more as I think of it and talk with classmates. Good luck to everyone!