My doctor gave me a prescription for omeprazole (Prilosec), for my infrequent heartburn, so that I am not paying $20 a box.
Negative test for GERD, but I don’t want the Navy to look at me funny by bringing the prescription to OCS. Should I just pick it up otc when I get the chance while there? Or bring a note from my doctor describing the infrequency, no underlying condition, etc?
Or do they not really care about prescriptions as long as it is to you?
Any prescriptions you need will have to be approved by a Navy doc. When you do the initial physical during the first few days after arriving, ask about taking prilosec for heartburn. Or just don't say anything, to avoid giving them a reason to NPQ you since medical at OCS works as a means of attrition.
My $0.02: Just wait until you're in The Fleet® to address any minor medical issues.