Still at OCS waiting on my orders. What is the deal with the wait for API? Do you go down there and they give you a stash job or do you have to find one?
ps I have no idea what is going on so if you could any information that would be great. I haven't had time to search the forum
Consider A-pool as your first lesson on how to succeed at flight school: Complete all your check-in stuff quickly, blend in, hang out with your buds at the beach, avoid getting a stash job if you can, but don't complain if you end up with one. Do whatever is asked of you professionally and pursue the leisure activities of your choosing in your considerable free time, drinking, SCUBA lessons, reading, etc.
Drink heavily when you have people around to make sure you don't get crazy, and don't drink (or stop drinking) when you're taking care of your buds. Buy people alcohol. If you have a pitcher, offer it to anybody you end up talking to. Go to the O'club on Friday evenings and don't be afraid to chat up the studs and instructors there. Don't be a douche bag, a brown-noser, or try to talk about things you don't understand, but don't be afraid to be yourself, either.
As to what you can expect in A-pool, there's a lot of info on that in other threads. Basically, I think the way it has reverted back to is a daily physical muster on the parade ground and then you're free to go about your merry existence. Get some brown shoes.