^--- If you have a job as a Candio that lets you have free time. I was indoc adjutant and didn't sleep at all. In fact, I got less sleep as a Candio then I did as a candidate. You will be so tired after hours, you will just want to pass out. There are always uniforms to iron, last minute studying, laundry, a whole bunch of little tasks to get done during lights out that you rarely get to sleep when the lights go out. Many a night we had our desk lamps on doing shit. RLP week, forget about it..you won't sleep that much. Then the nights where you think you're ahead of your duties, you remember you have watch in the middle of the night.
As far as fitness, I had friends that powerlifted and others who were into marathons etc...their bodies were decimated by the diet and the suckiness that is OCS in general. Your diet is terrible, you get 3 hours of sleep and the PT you do is not to sculpt your body..I looked like I escaped Auschwitz when I was commissioned.
I had a great time though, would never want to do it again..commissioned in 12 weeks and made some great friends along the way. However, I really think once you get there..OCS will force you to put any future plans on hold. Hell, after the first few weeks, I forgot I was even there to become a pilot because weeks 2 and 3 made getting out of there seem so far away. You just want to get out of there as quick as possible. You'll see.
OH, and I forgot, you WILL get sick...so keep that in mind.