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Sub Holdup

Random Task

So we just got word today that the SWOs have postponed their ship selection until after they get this Nuke shortage fixed. Does anyone have any idea when this nuke thing will get settled (i.e. has anyone gone down for an interview and gotten accepted?)

Random Task

I've been keeping up with that thread. I was looking for a more up to date idea of the way things were going lately.


New Member
According to the ship selection website, NROTC SWOs are supposed to pick on March 26-28. Could be postponed though like you said.


Whateva! I do what I want!
Super Moderator
My SWO hopeful roommate heard today from our unit staff that ship selection is now going to be no earlier than April 14, but that date is optimistic.


Whateva! I do what I want!
Super Moderator
A guy from my unit went down the last week in February and got accepted, but he's going subs, not SWO nuke.

Random Task

My understanding is that the shortage is for subs. SWO(n) is apparently all set according to my unit. But that's great...one less slot for them to fill and the sooner they fill them the sooner they will continue the rest of the process and get orders written. I'm waiting on an approval to do grad school so that is why I am so concerned with this process getting done as fast as possible. Once they do the selection process they can move on to the LOA approval


New Member
Why not just wait until after commissioning, then everyone can fly to the ports they want to be at and bum rush the nearest ship. First come first serve.


Whateva! I do what I want!
Super Moderator
That late? Wow.

Yeah, it sucks, especially since many schools, including ours, commission less than a month after that. And that's assuming they actually do selection on the 14th, though it could be later. It's going to make finding housing for these SWOs a pain in the ass.

Random Task

Well if anyone else hears anything about people going down for interviews and getting accepted let me know, btw thanks Commodore


Making Recruiting Great Again
Yeah, it sucks, especially since many schools, including ours, commission less than a month after that. And that's assuming they actually do selection on the 14th, though it could be later. It's going to make finding housing for these SWOs a pain in the ass.

It's even worse for the people going to get stationed overseas (ie Hawaii/Japan)


Yeah, it sucks, especially since many schools, including ours, commission less than a month after that. And that's assuming they actually do selection on the 14th, though it could be later. It's going to make finding housing for these SWOs a pain in the ass.

Just think of this as good training for the prospective SWOs- getting an early introduction to the life of getting bent over by their community that they will soon be living...

Yes it sucks, but those are the breaks... There may be times in flight school were your orders give you a week to packup, move, find a new place to live and report to your next duty station for training... and you wouldnt be the first.


is clara ship
Yes it sucks, but those are the breaks... There may be times in flight school were your orders give you a week to packup, move, find a new place to live and report to your next duty station for training... and you wouldnt be the first.

Add "do all of the above during finals week of your last term of school" and I think I know how it feels :) Good luck to all, I'm sure things will work out in the next few weeks. The waiting sucks, but honestly after that, the game is on, and you kind of have to stop being a middy...all I can say is enjoy the end of your senior year while you still can.