I wouldn't risk it, I heard a story about a Marine 2nd Lt. who was in the similar position as you are and bought a set of Navy Lt JG bars. At first, this young Marine had no problems, but, as the story goes at least, eventually the young man began suffering many mysterious afflictions.
First, the man acquired a crippling coffee addiction, that left him a jittery mess. Then, later, he found he could only sleep for 2-3 hour increments at a time, which, combined with the coffee overdosing, made him nearly incomprehensible.
He couldn't even relax when he got home from work, because his self imposed 0-0-1-1-3 drinking policy eventually became 0-0-0-0-0 in order to ensure that he was always in a safe state (this improved his ORM Risk Category). Unfortunately, since he had lost all will to exercise, and he couldn't drink, he just ate fried chicken morning, noon, and night.
Finally, the facial hair on his upper lip began growing, and no matter how many times he shaved it, he was left with a dapper mustache - he eventually quit trying to shave it, after he found that all of his trousers had mysteriously become extra-large about the ankles.
Eventually this young Marine switched back to his USMC AUTHORIZED OFFICERS RANK INSIGNIA (as per MCO P1020.34G) and his trousers returned to size, his mustache fell away, he was able to sleep, drink, and PT again, he found he could drink coffee at a normal rate. His five girlfriends came back to him, and he found the 80's polo shirt that had been hidden away at the bottom of his closet. He got a tattoo in honor of this occasion.
/Eh, been reading too much Onion...