The problem I saw with being a comm helo guy was that while I made decent $$ for what I did, the glass ceiling was a lot lower on the cash end. While I could have mad $30-40 full time right away, it was hard/impossible to make much more than $70k as a helo guy even with more hours than god, unless you owned your own outfit.
When I lived in Monterey, CA I sailed with a guy who did own his own outfit. He had been a USMC helo stud, but ended up going civilian (can't remember the reason why, but I think the end of the Vietnam War was a big factor). He took his helo skills and ended up starting an helo agricultural spraying business when few people where doing this. Since then, his business kind expanded and he became a pretty decent authority in his field. It also helps that he was located out of Salinas by all the lettuce fields. Not sure how much he clears, but he lives in Monterey and owns a sailboat, so I think he's doing all right.