API is 6 weeks vice 4... time in VT-10 (-4 as well) is about the same... my roommate is getting through in about 4 months and some change.
The problem isnt so much time in each phase... moreso that there are huge waits between phases. Like I sat in P-cola for almost 7 months before starting pre-flight. Had I jumped right into API when I got down here, I'd be in the middle of intermediate instead of waiting for primary.
API is 6 weeks vice 4... time in VT-10 (-4 as well) is about the same... my roommate is getting through in about 4 months and some change.
The problem isnt so much time in each phase... moreso that there are huge waits between phases. Like I sat in P-cola for almost 7 months before starting pre-flight. Had I jumped right into API when I got down here, I'd be in the middle of intermediate instead of waiting for primary.