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Supply Corps SNAFU


Well-Known Member
Never get in the way of an aircraft in the groove, or of a program that's "going to succeed". Actually, I think the whole "women on subs" thing is fine...just can't believe that some early pioneers f#cked it up by the numbers like this.

More of the story is circulating the community and the more I know, the less sorry I feel. I just hate that the deserving female JOs are under extra scrutiny now. What were they thinking?


St. Francis/Hugh Hefner Combo!
Super Moderator
Gotta love the PAO 'spin' by Sub Force spokeswoman..."The integration of females on submarines continues to progress nicely"!

Just for the record, I am not against females serving on submarines (and I am a qualified "Bubblehead", have served a tour on a boat). My gripe is that the above quote is out of place, in an official statement regarding a scandal involving two of the first cadre female Officers. At this point in time 'nicely':oops: ...not quite true!


Apprentice School Principal
I would qssume that quote was in response to a question asking how intergration was progessing with the obvious exception of these two.
What night school must you have to fail out of the journalism program is required to work for the Navy times?
Anyone know, cause I'm trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up (retire).