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I looked around and didn't find any info on this subject so I thought I would ask. I had a rough high school career, I tore my ACL, broke my ankle, and had jaw surgery in less than six months(Football, Wrestling, Soccer..I went to school in Europe, Miltary brat). The surgeries left me with 7 pins and a plate in my ankle, 6 pins in my jaw, and one pin in my knee. I have had the plate and 7 pins in my ankle removed. I am phyiscally fit and wrestled a little bit in college, none of these pins hamper my abilty to run or do any phyiscal activity. Will the docs dq me for the pins? I can get these removed but itll be a pain in the a$$.
Right now I'm tryin to get into Marine PLC, but if that doesn't work out after I graduate I plan on applying to Navy OCS for an sna/snfo slot. I talked to my OSO earlier today and they absouletly none (plate-pins) can be allowed. I thought this was kinda sketchy, because I know the Army grants waivers and so do the Air Force, so why not the Navy or Marines? Ok, so it must not be true.

Since I am here, I might as well tell you my story, only because its kinda weird and I need advice on my situation. I am a college freshman currently going to school at the Univeristy of Dubuque my major is Flight Operations. My dad is career Army and is stationed at Ft. Drum, New York. I was pretty much dead set on going Army Warrant. I enlisted in the Iowa Army National Guard as a Aircraft mechanic about 2 months ago, mainly to gain experience and to pay for college. Then it hit me, I am a brat, I've been around the Army for 16 years, do I really want to make a career out of it? thats 18 years as a brat, plus another 20 as a job..thats 38 years, I think it would get kinda old plus I'm up for something new, with history and tradition. So I looked at other services, it is kinda tragic because I found out about the Marine PLC program a couple weeks ago and seems like a better deal, I could get an garunteed(sp) Avaitor slot and pay for school. I haven't not gone to Army basic yet. I am currently trying to set up a discharge or transfer from the Gaurd so I can do the PLC program, which is hard cause I've already signed on the dotted line. Good thing is, the National Guard has not alloted any money for me to goto Basic...once they spend money on me they are going to want to keep me. My dates for basic are this summer. So I sill have time. I do not have any fears about getting called up and going to Iraq, nor do I want to piss any of the ARNG guys off. But this is my future here, something I do not take very lightly. I just finished my first semester as a freshman and need to get the ball rolling on this. Between getting my waivers, getting out of the ARNG (if its possible), taking the ASTB, sending in my packet & qualifying then getting accepted. Does anyone know how to get out of the ARNG? I have not gone to basic and have only been to 2 drills. If I get accepted will that Marine contract negate my National Guard one..if it is possible?

p.s. quick question what does pro rec'd mean? thanks


Working Plan B
goosegagnon2 said:
Right now I'm tryin to get into Marine PLC, but if that doesn't work out after I graduate I plan on applying to Navy OCS for an sna/snfo slot. I talked to my OSO earlier today and they absouletly none (plate-pins) can be allowed. I thought this was kinda sketchy, because I know the Army grants waivers and so do the Air Force, so why not the Navy or Marines? Ok, so it must not be true.

Since I am here, I might as well tell you my story, only because its kinda weird and I need advice on my situation. I am a college freshman currently going to school at the Univeristy of Dubuque my major is Flight Operations. My dad is career Army and is stationed at Ft. Drum, New York. I was pretty much dead set on going Army Warrant. I enlisted in the Iowa Army National Guard as a Aircraft mechanic about 2 months ago, mainly to gain experience and to pay for college. Then it hit me, I am a brat, I've been around the Army for 16 years, do I really want to make a career out of it? thats 18 years as a brat, plus another 20 as a job..thats 38 years, I think it would get kinda old plus I'm up for something new, with history and tradition. So I looked at other services, it is kinda tragic because I found out about the Marine PLC program a couple weeks ago and seems like a better deal, I could get an garunteed(sp) Avaitor slot and pay for school. I haven't not gone to Army basic yet. I am currently trying to set up a discharge or transfer from the Gaurd so I can do the PLC program, which is hard cause I've already signed on the dotted line. Good thing is, the National Guard has not alloted any money for me to goto Basic...once they spend money on me they are going to want to keep me. My dates for basic are this summer. So I sill have time. I do not have any fears about getting called up and going to Iraq, nor do I want to piss any of the ARNG guys off. But this is my future here, something I do not take very lightly. I just finished my first semester as a freshman and need to get the ball rolling on this. Between getting my waivers, getting out of the ARNG (if its possible), taking the ASTB, sending in my packet & qualifying then getting accepted. Does anyone know how to get out of the ARNG? I have not gone to basic and have only been to 2 drills. If I get accepted will that Marine contract negate my National Guard one..if it is possible?

p.s. quick question what does pro rec'd mean? thanks

Pro Rec is "professionally reccommended;" it is not a final select, but it is good news all the same.

If they won't release you "to the street," do you know if there is a chance you could transfer to the Marine Reserves? I know you can apply to PLC through the Reserves.

Are you DEP? Because I'm pretty sure that while they can prosecute you if you don't show up for basic, they won't. They haven't done that since like the 70's. They will get mad though... and it might ruin your chances of becoming an officer, so I wouldn't do that.


I Can Has Leadership!

http://www.nomi.med.navy.mil/NAMI/WaiverGuideTopics/orthopedics.htm#Orthopedic_Hardware_retain And that's straight from the horse's mouth (or keyboard). NAMI can (and does) grant a waiver for retained hardware on a case by case basis. (In case you didn't know, NAMI does USMC flight physicals too).

If you haven't gone to basic yet, its not that hard to get out of the ARNG contract. I had a USMCR contract and got out of it 2 weeks before I was to report to Parris Island. It was as easy as the Gunny calling the Major and saying "Yeah... this guy's going to USNA." I signed the papers releasing me the next day.

Getting accepted into a commissioning program is enough to get you out of going to basic. Just make sure the recruiter doesn't sit on the paperwork... cuz they will.

As for pissing the ARNG guys off... don't worry about that. You're doing what you want and what you think is best. If they get pissed at that, ignore it. Some of the guys I was gonna go to P.I. with were pissed when told'em I wasn't going. But when they realized I was still going to serve in the military, they got over it.

eddie... I was DEP for USMCR. As long as you get released from the contract, no worries. I'd already signed the papers and everything. I got out of it just fine.


I'm not driving fast, I'm flying low
re: Pro-rec, that is the navy term for a preliminary selection. It means you've been approved for a given designation, pending final selection.

As far as the marine contract negating your army one, I'd say not likely. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the Marines declined to even process your application while you were under contract. I was in processing with Navy (application not even submitted yet) and the OSO told me he'd prefer to wait until after the Navy selection board met before spending time with even an interview.

Of course, that's assuming that the Army will even release you. If you had enlisted a few days ago, there might have been a few legal loopholes to have the contract nullified, but being that it was two months ago, you're probably going to need to get the Army to release you from the contract. As far as how to do that, someone else with first hand knowledge will have to fill in the blanks for you.
hmmm so basically what you telling me is, get into the PLC program get accepeted, tell my national guard guys im going to be a marine officer...do paper work ...then im all good? Just for good info, the National Guard says they don't have a DEP program, or do they? I am not sure, I got the impression that once I went to MEPS and signed I am in for sure. BUT then again I was told I have to goto MEPS one more time before basic..and do it over again and sign some more papers. Is the process the same for the Marine reserve as the Army reserve?


I'm not driving fast, I'm flying low
Actually, what I just said was exactly the opposite. You legally cannot sign a marine contract, or for that matter enroll in a PLC program while under contract to another military branch. You need to not only tell them you want to be a marine, but convince them to drop your contract. That is, they own you, you need their permission to do this. I have no personal experience in this, but I have not been given the impression that it's something they are inclined to do.

Edit: Yes, you generally have to go to MEPS before you ship, but not necessarily for a full physical. You show up, do the weigh in and whatnot in the locker room, and then they drive you to the airport. Unless they don't like you, then they give you a few extra needles ;-)
I would imagine, that they can process you while you are in, think about how Navy enlisted folks tryin to fly warrant in the Army, the Navy guys are already contracted, so they have to process under the same circumstances. I think what is going to happen is, I'm going to apply and if they accept...then I'll have to request permission to leave the Guard...cause then I would accepted into a commissioning program for an active service. I am not sure, but I think it goes something like that..it doesn't really make sense for it not to be like that. What I have going for me is ...Iowa state is in the Top5 for National Guard recruiting, and my recruiter had already met his quota.


Come on, the FBI would have given him twins!
the acl will dq you for flight.

the jaw injury may be a problem if it has caused any from of tmj or if you have problems with your ears. you're going to have to check. if you were IN, and then hurt it, it wouldn't have been much of a problem.

however, waivers are granted all the time. talk to your recruiter and check out the nami website for the info.


Really old guy
Follow the link and read up on the details. The ACL injury is not always CD for flight duties.

The empahasis is on a stable and asymptomatic knee.
TREATMENT: Surgically repaired ACLs are CD but will be considered for a waiver when asymptomatic and functionally stable. Conservatively treated ACL tears are CD but may be considered for waiver after completion of rehabilitation if patient is symptom free and functionally stable as defined above.


snow85 said:
the acl will dq you for flight.

feddoc said:
Follow the link and read up on the details. The ACL injury is not always CD for flight duties.

The empahasis is on a stable and asymptomatic knee.
TREATMENT: Surgically repaired ACLs are CD but will be considered for a waiver when asymptomatic and functionally stable. Conservatively treated ACL tears are CD but may be considered for waiver after completion of rehabilitation if patient is symptom free and functionally stable as defined above.

feddoc, obviously you don't know what you are talking about:D
Ok, so if the oso blows smoke up my a$$ about my acl, then I should whip out that page? I don't think it should be a problem, I was wrestling all out on it with no problems on my college team less than 2 months ago. I can run a 5:30 mile (haven't done the 3 mile for the marines yet) and I have no problems bending or flexing it. With my jaw, same thing I have absolutely no problem biting flexing or anything, and might as well be the same jaw I had before I had the surgery. Now my main concern if they will process me because of my Army National Guard status...does anyone know anything about that?


goosegagnon2 said:
Ok, so if the oso blows smoke up my a$$ about my acl, then I should whip out that page?

While I wouldn't do anything to piss him off, it's not his call. I don't know how much control he has over refusing to submit paperwork (request for an air contract) or not on your behalf, but I imagine OSO's can't determine your potential flight status.