I know a few folks on DDGs and possibly a couple on FFG? I know theres a swo or two from the class behind mine that can better answer this question. Where are ya red?

As fswodaddy said, you are expected to do three things at once (run your division, qualify, and stand watches) which may seem overly daunting but the quals process really forces you to get out and meet your shipmates. Your day to day life varies greatly depending on what your job is (ASWO, TRAINO, etc) and despite what you've read on AW, most SWOs do NOT eat their young. One of the best things about being a SWO is you get to interact a lot with enlisted people, some of whom may be a role model and some of whom you may be able to mentor. Immediately, you will have an impact on these people's career and the responsibility to offer opportunities to grow professionally and personally.
On a side note, overseas commands are known for working you harder, getting you qualed faster, and giving the most underway time but, with that comes a lot of underway time, which some family members find stressful especially in a foreign country.
If you want more info, feel free to PM, I can only tell you what my experiences are right now, about two months out of OCS, but so far so good. Congrats on getting SWO, good luck at OCS!