Well, that test was a lot more difficult than all the test prep materials would lead you to believe. I suprisingly felt like I struggled on the math section and had to hurry up and guess on 4 questions to finish. I finished all the other sections with time to spare. I feel like I did really well on the mechanical comp, the navigation and aviation stuff, and the spacial aperception. I think I did ok on the reading comp and the math.
When it comes the the spacial apperception, the ARCO book is a joke compared to the actual test. Almost all of the questions had the plane flying out to or in from the sea and an angle to the shore. I would say that of the 30 questions, maybe 3 or 4 of them were strait at the horizon or parallel to the shore. Only 1 of the arco questions were like that.
Suprisingly, the aviation supplement was all reading comp and 3 of the questions were repeats from the initial reading comp section.
I'm curious to see how I did relative to how I feel I did. By the way, I took form 5.