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Taking the ASTB


Cordespc said:
Concur. I took the new ASTB today, and on my OSO's advice, had drilled the Arco examples for spatial apperception into my head. I found that the actual questions in this section were considerably more complex and deceptive compared to the Arco gouge.

All in all I'm hoping I did well, shame it takes three weeks to get results.

did you take the arco practice test? if so, how did you do?


Active Member
I took the Arco practice test twice (looking up the questions I didn't get the first time around), and did the same with the Marine gouge posted on this site. I also perused the ATSB info on this forum. I forget who posted it, but the physics gouge was particularly helpful.

The Arco spatial apperception drawings are somewhat simplified in comparison to the real deal. The actual test seemed to use multiple degrees of banking, and combinations of factors (i.e. flying diagonally out to sea while banking hard left and climbing in altitude). Also, there were no clouds in my illustrations, just land and sea (very crude at that).

All in all the aforementioned combination of study materials should have you in good shape for the test, but it is difficult to keep yourself from getting rattled when you know you are on a very limited timeline to complete X number of questions, and the proctor gives no warning of time remaining. Best of luck,


Well-Known Member
If you can, I would recommend taking the electronic version of the test. You have a timer on the screen, you can mark questions to go back to kater (which makes them very easy to find), and you get your scores back as soon as you're done. Plus this is the age if technology, may as well start get used to using it...


Gotta Get Into Navy OCS!
ARCO Sample Test Results vs. Actual ASTB

OK, here's the deal with my experience. Today is Wednesday, 29 June. I took the ASTB yesterday morning and did the ARCO practice test the night before. On the ARCO, I did:

MVT (math, verbal): 35 out of 37 right
MCT (mech comp): 24 out of 30 right
SAT (spacial app): 34 out of 35 right
ANT (av & nautical: 25 out of 30 right

I usually do well on standardized tests, but I'm now (gulp) 35 years old and haven't done this in 12 years! The math still comes naturally for me as does the mech to a lesser extent. I don't like the verbal but can manage. The big challenge was aviation and nautical. Much of this, I just don't know so I spent my limited study time over the past week going over that. It helped a lot. I really learned much and it noticeably helped on the test.

The actual ASTB test was fairly different. I'm already forgetting the details, but it was something like:

- 1st section all math: like 37 questions in 35 minutes
- 2nd section verbal: I think 25 questions in 30 minutes
- 3rd section mech: say 25 questions in 25 minutes
- 4th section spacial: 30 questions in 15 minutes or so
- 5th section composite: all kinds of questions in 12 min

That last section, I think, depends on your program. Mine was called "AF." I'm applying under the new, higher age limits for Naval Intelligence. I just turned 35 and was looking for an age waiver but wouldn't need one for this.

The actual test was harder than the practice test but was manageable. I completed each section in time, but sometimes just barely. Not much time to review. I only went back and changed two answers I had rushed over. I feel I did OK, but not the greatest I could have under ideal conditions (much more study and preparation). I MUST do well on this. While I did well in high school (3.9 GPA), I just coasted through college. My grades sucked - I though I got a 3.1 GPA, but that was in major. They look at overall which was like 2.8! Ugh. I'm prayin' for a mid-60s or higher. I'll post my scores if you want for reference.

The bummer is that tests are ONLY graded on Mondays now. That means mine won't be graded until July 11! So it'll be two more weeks. I'm hanging on pins and needles. I really want this, but I found out they only took 20% of applicants last month! Good luck to everyone going for it.

farmer said:
let me know how you do on the ARCO practice test!?!?! i took that and am also taking my first crack at the ASTB on wednesday. i would like to know where i stand with someone else. let me know how it goes...good luck!


Kill Al-Qaeda
Taking the ASTB on July 12, 2005

I'm taking the ASTB on the 12th of July and it is now the 6th of July. I've been studying hard for the last couple of days and I have a good concept on most of the material. My weakest area is the Aviation aspect of the test. I was an enlisted infantry squad leader in the Marines and have been out for three years, so the nautical information is not too much of a struggle. The math, verbal, and mechanical seem to be pretty simple from what ARCO portrays. I'm still working on the spatial aspect. Does a week of time left to study seem like enough time to get competitive scores on the ASTB or should I push the test back a month? I don't want to fail and have to wait 180 days in order to get another chance. Thanks and Semper Fi.


I'm not lazy, I'm disabled.
I think a week of solid studying for one section of the exam is enough time but everyone is going to say the same thing, its up to you. If you think you're ready then do it, but if you're unsure, take more time. It's good that you're thinking about what is best, but don't let the retest policy fvck with your confidence.

Have you ever taken the ASTB? If not, you only have to wait 31 days following your first attempt to retake the test.

Retest Policy: Examinees that would like to improve their scores on the ASTB must wait until the 31st day following their initial attempts before taking different versions of the test. For example, an individual that takes Form 3 during their first administration must take Form 4 or Form 5 during their second testing session. A third and final attempt at Form 3, 4, or 5 is authorized on the 91st day following the first retest. These test interval requirements cannot be waived, so it is important that examinees are aware of the forms taken during previous administrations and the amount of time that has passed between administrations.

Good luck!


Kill Al-Qaeda
thanks bro,
I haven't taken the ASTB yet, but I wasn't familiar with that retake policy. I guess i'm just going to have to wait and see how everything goes.


OCC 191 Select
Wingtip vortices create lift, a helicopter rotor conteracts the torque from the main rotor. Know what lights are on the port and starboard side of a ship (colors), know the classification of a nuclear aircraift carrier (CVN I believe)....

That should get you started :).


Active Member
Check out the aviation gouge in the back of the Marine guide. I took it last week, and had two questions about how how two aircraft pass eachother, and how one aircraft overtakes another. The Marine gouge is surprisingly accurate. Good luck,


Registered User

Check out the aviation gouge in the back of the Marine guide.


Where can I locate this at?


OCC 191 Select
A plane overtaking another always passes to the right. There ya go.

Also, know when the Navy was founded (1775).