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tanker and cargo life

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sorry if this is a repost. whats the lifestyle of a tanker or cargo pilot like. is it straight level flying is it fun and exciting or boring. how much time do you spend in the aircraft.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Only 'tanker' aircraft in USN/USMC inventory are Marine C-130s (and I don't think we have any Marine Herc guys on the board these days) or S-3s (another platform we don't have a rep for).

Cargo...Active duty would be C-2s (bunk22, kmac, who else...), Marine C-130s...

Cargo...Reserves...C-130...thats about it.

if you are looking for more insight into the Cargo/Tanker arena, try www.baseops.net, they have a ton of USAF guys on there who fly those types of missions.


Super Moderator
ZAB, What am I chopped Liver? I think Wink would take exception to your statement too!

Flying the Viking is a great time. As for lifestyle, it's no different from anyone else on the boat. A typical mission will have you launch for a 2.8 hour SSC mission while also acting as a recovery tanker. When you launch, another Viking will join up and make sure that you tanking system is working, then you will act as the "on call" tanker for the time you are airborne. It's not all straight and level flying either. During a day hawk, you will be 300 KIAS - 60 deg AOB to hawk the guy at the 90. Night time get exciting too, with some aggresive maneuvering required. While on mission, you will be at 200' during the day zooming around checking out contacts, and night will be very similar, but 400' is the lowest you will go. Sometimes you will be on other missions that let you really maneuver the aircraft. The Viking can drop ordnance and shoot missiles, so we practice that as much as everyone else. During night recoveries you will be directly over the ship hawking low state aircraft in the event that they bolter or are waved off and are directed to tank. The Viking doesn't always get a lot of respect, but after a dark and stormy night in the barrel, their appreciation for you comes back quick.


Super Moderator
So true... But when the guy takes time to find you at rats and say thanks, you know he is always glad you are there.


It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
Yes...had my ass kept dry by the hoov a few times myself....

First to launch...last toland...no safety net neccessary it seems.

But going away very soon is what I meant....

Have you seen the Braveheart S-3 Spoof video? Was a huge hit at F'oclse Follies.



Super Moderator
No I haven't seen that one yet, is it avail online anywhere? It really is too bad that the Hoov is going away, but it's getting on in it's years and the SuperHornet wants the Viking money. The airplane is a blast to fly, and I'm hoping for one last flight in it while I'm stashed here at the wing during the holidays. The squadron I just left will be the first East Coast Viking squadron to decom at the end of next year, so I'm transitioning to the E-2/C-2 in Jan. The last Viking squadron will decom around 2008.


Another thing S-3 guys like about it, is that you can fly on/fly off more aircrew than other squadrons (not as much anymore as we're down to six birds), and that thing is a X-country machine. Four seats and room for luggage.


The question should be what are they going to put at North Island to replace the S-3.Nobody wants to be based at Lemoore to fly jets.


Super Moderator
I don't know about North Island, but there is speculation on the E-2's being moved to Jax after the Vikings retire to make room so Norfolk can become the "Master Helo Base". Of course this is just rumor and innuendo at this point. The other option is to move them to Oceana, as if Oceana isn't busy enough already.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Didn't forget ya Stowbo, you just haven't been on in forever.


Coffee Drinker
Super Moderator
COD life is great at North Island. I would hate to have to go up to Mugu.


heck yea coronado is the best. what aircraft besides s-3 fly there. and waht do the 60s do at the base just fly around or what. i was at point loma an saw a few 60s flying back an forth. any marines there.


Super *********
Super Moderator
Being a COD pilot is the best kept secret in the Navy. Being that we are not tactical, the flying, 95% of the time, is rather dull. Straight and level, shooting approaches, etc can get a little old. Flying the thunder pig around the boat livens things up a bit. Since we don't do night boat landings or paradrops (should come back soon) anymore, the boat, formation and of course bad weather flying might be the only times the flying becomes "exciting." However, it's the life we lead while on cruise that rocks. We are shore based while the ship and airwing does its thing. That means per diem, hotel rooms, boozing, babes, strippers, etc. What more can I say? Being shore based in San Diego rocks as well. Quality of life is important to me and doing what I do allows great quality of life while still being in the military, being a Navy pilot and being a tailhooker. I wouldn't care if the Navy came to me tomorrow and gave me the chance to fly Super Hornets, I wouldn't take it. They had their chance years ago when I finished primary, made the cut and yet put me in the E2/C2 pipeline. Little did I know it was the best thing to happen to me. Talk to any COD pilot, he/she should tell you the same.
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