Believe it or not, the coldest I ever been was Kuwait. Yes, Kuwait! I was there in winter of 95 and again in the winter of 97. It actually snowed, didn't stick though. When we were all on ship packing all of our gear, before getting on the helo's, we had no idea how cold it was gonna be. We were cold at first but soon got used to it. It made for some good stories. The second time in 97, I was smart and brought the appropriate gear. Training in the cold is great. Easier to stay warm than it is to stay cool. Wait til ya'll experience "The Stumps". Hotter than all get-out during the day, and colder than heck at night. Your body doesn't know what to get used to...
"You forgot your fortune cookie"
Dirty Harry
"You forgot your fortune cookie"
Dirty Harry