lowly enlisted Marines... no no no... I just want to make it clear that Officers are not better, just different...
with that clear (regardless of intended tone) yes they were Fox... I personally think that they are slowly passing people so they can get more one on one time to teach us right because there are so many of us. 11 got past breast stroke the other day out of upwards of 60+ swimmers... I was not one of them...
they might not be wanting to work with us to make us better... they might just fail so many so it doesn't take so long... either way, im gettin lots of remedial time, lots of swim time, and im gettin better each week... so even if those in Echo and Fox are gettin screwed, it works out for us better in the long run...
stay for the entire remedial time, try your hardest, and things will work out. There is a Lt that is air contracted that hasn't gotten his WS1 that was in Bravo and they graduated... his efforts to get it have afforded him the oppurtunity to continue to attempt to qualify before being sent to pensacola...