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Technical Degree required for Pilot/NFO?


New Member
Hello, this is my first post and just wanted to say this forum is very informative and helpful!

I visited a recruiter the other day, and he said that you cannot apply for a pilot/NFO slot unless you have a technical degree. I did some research, and it looks as though you can in fact apply without a technical degree. So, I guess I just wanted to clarify and confirm that this recruiter is in fact wrong.

I figure maybe he was trying to blow me off since my GPA is also a weak link in my profile (3.0 in psychology) as I made some bad academic decisions my sophomore/junior years. But, I took the AFOQT and got in the 90's in every category, so I am hoping that I can do well on the ASTB to make up for my low GPA. I also do volunteer work, and have all my pilot's licenses and 1100hrs of flight time so I feel like I can put together a competitive packet if given the chance.


Cause I am most ill and I'm rhymin' and stealin'
I went through NROTC and here's a breakdown of the kids since my freshman year that got SNA/SNFO (Navy Options only):

'07 - 3 SNAs: 2 x Engineering Science, 1 x Economics
'08 - 1 SNA, 3 SNFOs: 1 x Civil Engineer, 1 x Mechanical Engineer, 1 x Political Science, 1 x History&Economics
'09 - 2 SNAs: 2 x Mechanical Engineers
'10 - 3 SNAs, 3 SNFOs: 2 x Engineering Science, 1 x Mechanical Engineer, 3 x Political Science

So, to echo what has been said, you don't need a technical degree to get picked up for SNA/SNFO. However, it's worth remembering that Big Navy has a hardon for technical degrees right now, which I'm assuming is the same for OCS/BDCP applicants as well. Having a technical degree isn't an imperative when applying, but it might make getting what you want easier. With a 3.0, strong community service history, and civvy flight credentials with 1000+ hours, I'd say your package is pretty strong (I'm guessing you're going for OCS/BDCP). Be sure to do the best you can on the PFA, since that will help as well. Best of luck to you!

Oh, for what it's worth, and my GPA when selection came around was a 3.1X in a Tier 2 (now it's called, anyway) major.


Apprentice School Principal
However, it's worth remembering that Big Navy has a hardon for technical degrees right now...

Of course by "right now" he means since the early 1960's the Navy has had a fascination with technical degrees.


Cause I am most ill and I'm rhymin' and stealin'
Helolumpy, I meant the fact that NROTC transitioned to a tiered scholarship system that locks people into technical degrees. Now, your scholarship is tied to the tier which you apply for (MechE = Tier 1, Engineering Science = Tier 2, Economics = Tier 3, for ex.). You can move up in tier (Econ --> MechE) or laterally in tier (Econ --> Psych) without penalty, but you need approval from Pensacola for moving down (MechE --> Econ). Apparently, the goal is 65% technical degrees per year group.

You're right that the Navy has had a "fascination" with technical degrees. I was just pointing out that it's now become an actual written policy.


"We lookin fo you. We gon find you!"
Your package is fine. I had a 2.9 in Aerospace Administration. The 1100 hrs of flight time actually might hinder you down the road. You'll have to re-learn nav, engines, weather, regs, etc the Navy way. Here's how you get into the Navy. Be willing to do what your peers aren't. Winning is simply doing what others around you won't. Think about how many people talk about, "I would join the Navy but...." or "Flying in the Navy is my backup plan." Who are they kidding? Just by applying you separate yourself from the thousands of talkers out there. Once you put your plan into action, you'll be amazed with the results. Don't take no for an answer. Best of luck.


New Member
Thanks for the input guys! It was kind of a letdown when my recruiter told me I couldnt apply due to lack of a technical degree, but I am willing to do whatever it takes. I guess I will just study my butt off for the ASTB and keep running/working out for the PRT and call the recruiter again when I am 100% ready for both.


New Member
College Stats: 3.5 in Business Management at Ole Miss.....AND I am about to finish primary. Trust BUT verify my friend! Recruiters don't always have the answers even though they may claim to.


College Stats: 3.5 in Business Management at Ole Miss.....AND I am about to finish primary. Trust BUT verify my friend! Recruiters don't always have the answers even though they may claim to.

This! And no you dont need a technical degree!


New Member
I got picked up for BDCP SNA with a 3.3 in Business Management at the University of Arizona a year ago so as long as you do well on the astb I'm sure you will be fine


New Member
I heard that specifically you need to have taken a calculus and physics course regardless of major. That's the only limitations as far majors are concerned... truth or bs?


Super Moderator
I heard that specifically you need to have taken a calculus and physics course regardless of major. That's the only limitations as far majors are concerned... truth or bs?

For an NROTC scholarship yes, not sure about BDCP. It wasn't a requirement for 'Advanced Standing' a few years ago, not sure about it anymore.