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Standing by for the RIF !
Nice video segment on the current state of HT ops w/ the Thrasher. Some great shots of the flight deck displays - nice to see the ability to display DoD FLIPS on MFD.

The PFD attitude display is a little complex/busy but I'm sure a number of requirements drove this (and I know the dude who personally designed the layout, and he's pretty sharp)

Anyways, give it a watch and please share your comments here in the thread.



Naval Aviator
I will say, having seen some VR/AR training devices that didn’t really meet expectations, these 73 AR PTTs are pretty excellent.
Having obviously not seen the ones that didn't make the cut, the ones that are actually getting implemented in the VTs have been pretty good. I wasn't in Avenger but found the VR T-6 sleds very useful for learning course rules and practicing form procedures, the AR T-44 checklist trainer was very good at showing what the FTI explained poorly, and the T-45 VR sleds seem well done and have been incorporated into the new syllabus. Helo stud bros rant and rave about those AR TH-73 sleds. Hopefully Big Navy doesn't do away with FTDs/OFTs/UTDs, but I've really enjoyed the proliferation of these lower fidelity trainers in the fixed wing VTs.


Frightening children with the Griz-O-Copter!
Nice video segment on the current state of HT ops w/ the Thrasher. Some great shots of the flight deck displays - nice to see the ability to display DoD FLIPS on MFD.

The PFD attitude display is a little complex/busy but I'm sure a number of requirements drove this (and I know the dude who personally designed the layout, and he's pretty sharp)

Anyways, give it a watch and please share your comments here in the thread.

Compared to the apparently primitive cockpit of the TH-57’s I flew back in the 1986/87 timeframe these things are space ships! Add to that the “connectivity” of the training pipelines. When I arrived to Milton from Corpus I knew nothing and they treated me accordingly. There was no knowledge hand down so the opening phase of training was the most difficult for me. Add to that the addition of NVG and rescue training and I’m impressed.


Noise, vibration and harshness
Fat finger mistake. That might give you an inkling as to how I might do if required to do syllabus events in a glass cockpit aircraft. Analog brain trapped in a digital world.


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
I remember how jealous ENS me was that VT-2 had cool subdued patches and we didn't over at VT-3. And now CDR(ret) me realizes just how goofy subdued patches in the TRACOM really are.


Standing by for the RIF !
Leonardo breaks ground at new facility at NASWF/NDZ.

Included in this deal is landing rights at NDZ for non military operators of Leonardo aircraft to access the service center. Perhaps service for MH-139 as well since the schoolhouse for that aircraft is at nearby Maxwell AFB. Maybe we'll see @KWpilot58 visit in his spiffy new 119!

Quite a deal - and obviously a big win for Santa Rosa County.



Well-Known Member
Site Admin
There was a picture posted recently of @KWpilot58 's program flying one of their new -119s. I think it might have been HAI that had it. I can't find the picture now, but apparently they're using them now.