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Thanks for the help Turkey


Well-Known Member
Turkish warplanes attack Kurd positions

Lets add this to the list of stuff thats really helped out our effort in Iraq. Right there with the whole not allowing us to use them as a staging point for a Northern Offensive which would have helped to greatly decrease the flow of arms and men from Iraq to staging areas in Syria (and stop anything important that might have been moved out of country).

I think the most glaring part of the article is that they state there will be no ceasefire with the Kurdish forces. Ok so basically our options are we kill them and inflame the northern section of Iraq, or they kill them and inflame the northern section of Iraq.


^ Study up on the background of the PPK, KDP, and PUK for starters. The PPK have always been communist assholes, until the Soviet Union crashed and burned ... then they decided to become Muslims again ... even their Mommas don't like them. :eek: I can totally see Turkey's viewpoint in all this ... and it's called self-interest.

Then, there's that ol' sore spot
to deal with about something called the Ottoman Empire .... :)


Well-Known Member
Then, there's that ol' sore spot to deal with about something called the Ottoman Empire .... :)
Then again, there's always the thought that the current mess that is the middle east is Britain's fault, when they essentially "whilly-nilly" established borders...


Then again, there's always the thought that the current mess that is the middle east is Britain's fault, when they essentially "whilly-nilly" established borders...
Definitely .... and don't forget the Frogs' hand in that post-WW1 mix, either.

In fact, for the Cliff's Notes version of "Why the Middle East is so screwed up today ... as opposed to why it's ALWAYS been screwed up" .... simply re-wind "Lawrence of Arabia" and watch it again. Simplistic, yes, but close to the point.

And then ... the Turks are still pissed off at having lost empire, influence, and being dissed by Europe in it's 20 year old application to join the European "Union". :)


New Member
Britain really is to blame for a big part of this mess over there. Iraq was their territory as was the land currently known as Israel, formerly Palestine. It is sad and ironic that the rest of the world blames the US for it, when we had very little to do with it back then, if anything at all.

As for Turkey, this will not help them join the "cool kids" table in Europe, but who know's. Maybe they are using this as leverage saying behind closed doors "we will continue to bomb until you become our friend" some countries in Europe just might buy that and cave...time will tell


Well-Known Member
In fact, for the Cliff's Notes version of "Why the Middle East is so screwed up today ... as opposed to why it's ALWAYS been screwed up" .... simply re-wind "Lawrence of Arabia" and watch it again. Simplistic, yes, but close to the point.
And for the Cliff's Notes version of the Cliff's Notes version, watch this.


Mongo only pawn, in game of life...

Please don't smear a fine handgun by associating it with Leninist thugs... it's PKK/Kongra Gel.

This situation is an excellent example of the old Lord Palmerston (look it up!) pithy saying: "Nations have no permanent friends or allies, only permanent interests." Turkey is doing (and has done) what they think they need to do for their own self-interest. To expect anything more is being naiive; diplomacy is all about trying to convince other nations that their interests and our interests are common.

Lately, we seem to suck at the diplomacy part.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Turkish warplanes attack Kurd positions

Lets add this to the list of stuff thats really helped out our effort in Iraq. Right there with the whole not allowing us to use them as a staging point for a Northern Offensive which would have helped to greatly decrease the flow of arms and men from Iraq to staging areas in Syria (and stop anything important that might have been moved out of country).

I think the most glaring part of the article is that they state there will be no ceasefire with the Kurdish forces. Ok so basically our options are we kill them and inflame the northern section of Iraq, or they kill them and inflame the northern section of Iraq.

You can't really blame the Turks when PKK forces are conducting cross border raids. The PKK are a bunch of terrorists - ones that Turkey has been fighting for decades. We would do the exact same thing if the situation were reversed and the Turks were unwilling or unable to control a group of insurgents operating from their territory.



Well-Known Member
Here's a lesson from Corporal HueyCobra8151's TAD trip to Ankara for the 2004 NATO Conference:

If you go on a date with a Turkish girl, and you are in a restaurant crowded with Turks, don't happen to unthinkingly say the word "Israel." This will probably lead to her going into a rage and screaming about the PKK and terrorism and you looking down at the table wondering if you going to get jumped by an entire restaurant.


Teaching MIDN how to drift a BB
You can't really blame the Turks when PKK forces are conducting cross border raids. The PKK are a bunch of terrorists - ones that Turkey has been fighting for decades. We would do the exact same thing if the situation were reversed and the Turks were unwilling or unable to control a group of insurgents operating from their territory.


agree. I find it funny that PKK conduct raids, gets Turks to mobilize to border, PKK then kills 12 of their soldiers, Turkey threatens to attack, PKK then tries to negotiate by claiming "We won't attack you if you don't attack us" when Turkey hasn't even attacked them yet (until today of course).


Super Moderator
agree. I find it funny that PKK conduct raids, gets Turks to mobilize to border, PKK then kills 12 of their soldiers, Turkey threatens to attack, PKK then tries to negotiate by claiming "We won't attack you if you don't attack us" when Turkey hasn't even attacked them yet (until today of course).

I agree with Brett and A4s, the PKK/Kongra Gel whatever they call themselves nowadays......they are bad characters who have not just attacked Turkish soldiers not once, or even twice....but three times in the last 2 weeks, causing somewhere in the neighborhood of 30 deaths. Oh yeah, they also captured 8 of their soldiers too http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,304426,00.html This is not the first time the Turks have sturck back, but it has largely been symbolis artillery barrages up to this point. Things could get messy of this is true........

A4s is right about the Turks too, not the easiest allies to get along with sometimes. An interesting note about the Turks and the Israelis, they have had a decent relationship with based on mutual interests, with its high point in the mid-90's. It has cooled with the Islamists gaining power in Turkey recently but they are still on 'friendly' terms.

It really is a mess over there sometimes........:eek:
I read somewhere that 37 THOUSAND Turks have been killed in border clashes. If that number is anywhere near close, piss on it, let them duke it out.


Please don't smear a fine handgun by associating it with Leninist thugs... it's PKK/Kongra Gel.....
I know that. Just shows you where my mind is ... or isn't. :)

Is it wrong to love guns??? You know, if you don't pull the trigger ... ???