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The Air Force needs help winning yesterday's war


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
While I think many of us would agree WRT the criticism of the F-22 program, the author clearly doesn't know what they're talking about WRT the obsolescence of "dogfighting."



While I think many of us would agree WRT the criticism of the F-22 program, the author clearly doesn't know what they're talking about WRT the obsolescence of "dogfighting."


Agreed. While the Raptor may be a 150% solution, the author is an idiot.


Lawn Dart
Agreed. The author is an idiot.

He seems to be saying that we don't need a good fighter because our missles will do the job for them. If I'm not mistaken, isn't this the same thing that happened with the F-4? Engineers didn't put a gun on it thinking that our all powerful missles would take care of everything. I probably don't know the whole story behind that, but I heard that it caused problems.

As far as if we need the F-22, I would say yes. Like Pags said, it may be 150% of the solution, but we have to keep up with other nations. If we didn't have the F-22, what can we do to keep up with planes like the Su-35, Eurofighter, or Rafale? (This isn't rhetorical, any ideas?) Russia may not be the old USSR, but it does have an air force.


Well-Known Member
As much as nobody may want to admit it there may be a very real structural fatigue issue that will necesitate replacing the Eagles in inventory.

For some odd reason though nobody seems to want to pursue the middle ground. Its either buy the Raptor in numbers more then 183 for the next 30 years or not buying anything at all. Why doenst anybody look at buying new Eagles. Boeing is still building them, and with new wizzbang stuff that many of the current C's dont have available to them.

Will a new Eagle dominate and terrorize the Eurofighters, Rafales, SU's, etc... maybe not. But thats what the Raptors are for. Scream all you want about not wanting to be on "parity" with our enemys. Its not like every airforce in the World is going to hand in its J-8's and Floggers for brand new SU-27MKI's tomorrow.


Registered User
Oh yeah....BTW....here's the new toy they're working on.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
^^ Gee, I wonder where they got the idea for that design? Probably from the same dude who designed their space shuttle. :confused:


Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
Raptor good. Threats scary and capable. American public ignorant. Leave it at that.