This brings up a good point, how about we consolidate some of the info here into a beginners guide/FAQ? Provide an intro to the site with some common customs and courtesies along with the answers to some of the more common questions. Like how to become a Navy/USMC/USCG officer with a descriptions of each of the different programs to get a commission, SNA/SNFO training tracks, the different types of aircraft, life in teh different communities, etc, etc. We could even answer the favorite question of all, what percent get _____? I would imagine someone here could get some numbers to give a good idea of the general answer.
Maybe have the customs and courtesies bit required reading when someone signs up and have a page of FAQ's. I think it would be great to provide that kind of info since in a single place where it can be 'verified' and be the latest and greatest. It would be easy for certain guys to contribute on their various communities and for people who have recently completed VT/HT/OCS/ROTC to put up consolidated summaries that can be reviewed and posted.
I think it will reinforce one of the key purposes of the site, to provide info about Naval Aviation, and cut down on the number of newbie questions and the increasingly hostile reception some get.
Just my .02 cents, I would be willing to provide info on what I know and I am certain others would as well. Thoughts?