Perhaps #2 needs to be clarified amongst students in the best interest of all involved. It seems that Students have started to show up at the VTs with the idea that if they go med down for anything they will be attrited- no questions asked. When asked where they got this idea from they state they were told that at API. Needless to say, it leaves us unimpressed with the staff of building 633 because it seems that this is a scare tactic that does little more then create situations where students who really should be med down, and getting healthy, attempt to go flying anyway- putting both them and their IPs at greater risk every time they do so.
Not that the staff of building 633 is out to impress anyone, but I'll clarify for you anyway. CNATRAINST 1500.4G, paragraph 614, delineates the specific procedures for dealing with medical delays. It lays out the medical milestones and the required actions. (It's available online if you care to review it). I don't know whether or not the VTs are enforcing the regulation, but NASC is attempting to comply. The intent of the indoctrination briefings and my previous post is not to scare aviation candidates away from doctors. The intent is to scare students away from extraordinarily risky activities that may cut short their nascent careers. Hence the term "seriously injured". If you have the sniffles, see a flight doc and don't risk blwoing out your sinuses. If you crash your Ducati and shatter your arm and leg, start planning for a new career while you're recovering for nine months...