Hello and good day to all.
I read the previous depth perception post and have a concern regarding the validity of civilian test results for acceptable depth perception required of SNAs. I have heard of USMC Pilots getting in with the civilian test results.
I am on the OCS list for SNA and NFO from the November boards, and have been working out an OCS leave date for February 14. SNA was my first choice and NFO was the second. Both careers are fantastic opportunities to serve as a Naval Officer.
I have been notified by my officer recruiter that I might not get SNA, because I failed the depth perception test at MEPS (the 5 circle test, have to pick out the one sticking out the most). I included in my application a copy of my civilian depth perception test results which were completed this October, and my third class medical which was completed last march for the student pilot certificate. The civilian doctor told me that I had maxed out the stereographs at 40 arc seconds, further noting that this was a stellar result, in the written documentation. I have heard of even better results at 25 arc seconds but just hearing the eye specialist doctor say that it was stellar gave me more than enough motivation to write this post.
I was just wondering if my civilian results would hold any validity for becoming a vision qualified SNA or at least getting another re-test on depth perception at MEPS before February 14. I know that looking at the tops of all circles helps more than looking at each one separately, and that it takes at least a minute or two to get adjusted to each line. At least.
Thanks again,