We met aboard America in 82 and did 2 tours there as CAG Paddles and DH while I did back to back tours in VF-102. When I went to JFK as a DH in VF-32, he was XO in VA-72. So we did a lot of sea time together and were always in the Photo Lab at night reviewing our processed film. When he retired as Commodore of STRKFITWING, I was taking pictures from police car leading procession of Harleys from Hangar to OClub.That sunrise shot is amazing! Best I've ever seen. "Lights" was well-known throughout the east coast A-7 community for his photos which were always prominent at every Corsair Ball.
Walleye!!!We met aboard America in 82 and did 2 tours there as CAG Paddles and DH while I did back to back tours in VF-102. When I went to JFK as a DH in VF-32, he was XO in VA-72. So we did a lot of sea time together and were always in the Photo Lab at night reviewing our processed film. When he retired as Commodore of STRKFITWING, I was taking pictures from police car leading procession of Harleys from Hangar to OClub.
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My only reference to that specific weapon is a Lex story that involves one and the lengths some are willing to go to drop it:
Flat Hatting
By lex, on Thu – February 17, 2005 So, it’s flat hatting stories you want, is it? Fine. Buckle in. This isn’t one of my own stories, but one of someone else’s experience. Be…www.google.com
That's a long way to travel from the Gulf....I'm assuming you came via the Red Sea or Med?Walleye was here....Al Qa’im Super Phosphate Plant and reputed WMD production site for Yellowcake. It was pretty heavily defended for a fertilizer plant! It was subjected to B-52 strikes as well as F-15E missions. The B-52s missed altogether due to winds aloft and the SAMs got the F-15E senior guy. Over to Navy for attention by SLAM and Walleye producing damage seen here captured by F-14 TARPS.
The Walleye Guidance Unit was also used for SLAM although the A-6E carried the SLAM and a hapless A-7E guided it to the target. We put the first one into Al Qa’im
I wonder if you guys ever flew over the Jordanian King's yacht on your way to or from a mission.
No but I remember this raid on another Iraqi facility...I wonder if you guys ever flew over the Jordanian King's yacht on your way to or from a mission.
I don't think that watermark was in the original movie...No but I remember this raid on another Iraqi facility...
You sure? As I recall that is how I met the second ex-Mrs. Griz.I don't think that watermark was in the original movie...