If your not a really large size there are plenty of original G-1 7823-7823Ds, 55J14s, ANJ3a, AN6552s, M422a's and M422 on e-bay for usually better prices than most repros. But Real McCoys New Zealand makes a very nice M422a and Aero Leather Scotland makes a killer AN6552. (These are WWII Navy flight jackets that were early G-1 type Navy flight jackets).
I picked an original G-1 7823C from the mid 1960s in a size 48 up on e-bay a while back and its a great G-1. Nice mouton and really grainy goatskin.
I picked an original G-1 7823C from the mid 1960s in a size 48 up on e-bay a while back and its a great G-1. Nice mouton and really grainy goatskin.