All set to precisely the same time. Good attention to detail candidate!
So, no more Japanese tourists at Disneyland?Just another one of those Millenials with their damn selfie sticks*.
*Now outlawed at Disneyland!
I've had a massif jacket for a few years; very Gucci stuff and light years ahead of the old jacket.
I think it was in the flight clearance but this was years ago.Okay, so dumb question... Where is the reg for manner of wear for this thing? I can't seem to find it and the uniform regs only go up through the fleece stuff. I've seen the name tag worn in some interesting places, and I'm trying to figure out if I'm wrong or just not operationally hip.
Probably both.
The trend in USAF seems to be wearing your flight suit [nametag] on your LEFT shoulder when conducting ops - a move that I believe started with U-2/TR-1 pilots in pressure suits and now seems to be commonplace in many images with frontline (A-10, F-15, F-16, etc) units. It looks cool.
Flash, I was agreeing with everything in your post until the end.....What is today's Navy left us hanging. (Fireball?) An yes, that Jeremiah Weed stuff is absolute crap....the AF must be an investor...I am not normally a hard-ass when it comes to regs but if you are conducting 'real-world' ops it isn't that too bright. I still remember one of the Apache pilots who was shot down and captured in the initial stages of OIF and from his nametag he was wearing you could tell his aircraft, unit and even where he was from. The less they know and can figure out the better.
I think the reason they do that is because it saves on wear and tear when they put on their harness, keeping it cleaner and less wrinkly and all the better to match their scarves when hanging out at the O'Club playing crud and drinking Jeremiah Weed. I prefer the salty nametags we have in the Navy, in all their wrinkled and worn glory.
Flash, I was agreeing with everything in your post until the end.....What is today's Navy left us hanging. (Fireball?) An yes, that Jeremiah Weed stuff is absolute crap....the AF must be an investor...
I heard that somewhere. Love ya, bro.... All that seemed to do it's job well, since I was 'fucking lit' by the end of it all.