I just noticed, there are no hard points. So... the 18G is unarmed??? I thought it would carry at least a few A/A pieces..
Heres some Koolaid from the Company on that:
And some gouge on the systems...
OSI Baby!
I just noticed, there are no hard points. So... the 18G is unarmed??? I thought it would carry at least a few A/A pieces..
I'll admit that "Lightening II" for the F-35 lacks any originality. But what was the Admiral smoking when he came up with "Growler"?
Put down the crack pipe!
Heres some Koolaid from the Company on that:
And some gouge on the systems...
OSI Baby!
High Dimension:
From your bio: "I'm just a mid."
So here is some friendly advice wrt your earlier judgmental comment that might help you get through your first year in the fleet. Ensigns should be seen and not heard. (And I'm thinking that that is what you aspire to be.)
Good luck.
Ensigns should be seen and not heard.
And thinking like that is what necessitates CRM....![]()
Whats that thing going to be able to do completely decked out? 300 knots?...
Shut up ENS!
Well, considering that the Prowler will do .86 "decked out," the G will be able to do the same. There's not a whole lot of reasons to go faster than that.
Power Output and Flight Condition Considerations for SBIR Topic N04-239, Advanced Ram Air Driven Power and Cooling Unit (ARADPCU)
Existing (Legacy) Equipment:
The EA-6B (existing AEA) Mission requires the ALQ-99 Ram Air Turbo-Generator to provide up to 27 KVA for two transmitter operation at altitudes from sea level up to the maximum altitude, 50000 feet. The EA-6B is limited to (I believe) 40000 feet. The RATGen must provide 27 KVA at airspeeds between the minimum of 220 Knots Calibrated Air Speed (KCAS) and the maximum 550 KCAS up to 5000 feet, and the maximum Indicated Mach Number 0.86 above 5000 feet. One transmitter operation requires 16 KVA at minimum 190 KCAS.
New Power and Cooling Unit:
The following are limiting/allowable speed goals and requirements for the EA-18G follow-on airborne electronic attack (AEA) aircraft for attached “stores”:
AGM-88 (HARM): Goal: 635 KCAS or 1.3 IMN
Required: 550 KCAS or 1.3 IMN
480 Gallon Fuel Tank: Required: 635 KCAS or 1.6 IMN
For the Next Generation Tactical Jamming System (TJS) Pod, the limiting airspeed requirements will probably correspond to one of the other EA-18G stores.
The power production requirements may require the full 60 KVA at sea level (see the power point presentation enclosed separately), because there is a potential low altitude escort jamming mission (Special Strike Interdiction Mission). However, that mission is proposed at IMN 0.80. Therefore, at lower airspeeds and altitudes, lower maximum power outputs are likely to be permissible. To at least some extent, the US Navy requirements for the Next Generation Jammer Pod will match the capability determined by early demonstration.
For the purposes of this SBIR Topic, a good set of goals for minimum power output values is:
1. 60 KVA at 30000 feet and IMN 0.6
2. 60 KVA at Sea Level (low altitude) and IMN 0.8
3. 40 KVA at Sea Level and 220 KCAS (this is the most questionable condition)
(All above for a standard day.)
A good flight condition for optimum design is at the expected loiter condition for the EA-18G, which is 30000 feet at Indicated Mach Number 0.80.
[emphasis added]