I'm an EA6B and E/F maintainer and I have to say that the Hornet will never be as good as the EA6B. The E/F is a great aircraft from the maintainer stand point compared to the pig but compromises must be made to use one platform for many missions. The un-refueled range of a G loaded with pods is much less that of the Prowler. Talk to any E/F driver and they will tell you having tanks on the outboard stations makes it a pig to fly. We load our birds 5 wet (ARS and 4 480 gal drops) quite often and the pilots make comments about how slow it is. Fact is a pig with a standard load of 3 pods and two drops will fly faster than an A-D (not in burner) with one drop. I have seen it with my own two eyes from the back seat. For some reason that I don't understand station 4 and 8 on the E/F are cantered outward from the airframe. With most loads this makes little difference in drag but with a big-old drop it makes a huge difference. I loved the EA6B for the 11+ years I have worked on it but I admit that having one aircraft that can do the job of 3 or 4 old platforms (although not as well) is better for everyone and saves the Navy money. Add to this the fact that a good portion of the EA6B fleet is now G limited because of wing problems it just makes sense to replace it.