Nobody said anything about liberalism versus conservatism so if you're resorting to that ridiculous black-vs-grey mentality then just stop. This doesn't have anything to do with being liberal or conservative: in the last 8 years a conservative president spent more money than any other president in history, even World War II, but I digress, this has nothing to do with the topic at hand.
President Bush did not spend more than in World War II, we ran a deficit something like 2/3 of the economy at that time. And President Bush was not "conservative" in the fiscal sense, he was a compassionate conservative.
50 million people in this country are without healthcare in a country of just over 300 million and you don't think that's a big deal? Do you know what federal minimum wage is? Do you know how many times a raise to the federal minimum wage was shot down under the previous POTUS? Have you ever tried to pay hospital bills on minimum wage?
Do you have any idea what the minimum wage is? It's a price control on the cost of labor to businesses. Something like 80% of America is employed by SMALL BUSINESSES. Artificially increasing the minimum price of labor is like artificially increasing the price of gasoline. What happens? People buy less of it.
Same with businesses. You raise the minimum wage into the range of wages made by regular workers, small businesses are forced to hire less workers, which means less jobs. Or they can cut pay. Or cut working conditions. Or raise their prices. Or turn full-time jobs with benefits into part-time jobs (two part-time jobs for each former full-time job, as businesses do not have to pay benefits for part-time jobs).
Or some combination of the above. People such as yourself seem to think you can just magically raise the minimum wage for people and have no after-effects. You yank up the minimum wage, you increase unemployment.
In particular, you increase it for young people (as most minimum wage workers are the youth), and of them, among inner-city poor. A minimum wage hurts the poor, not helps.
Wal-Mart supports a minimum wage increase. Why? Because they know that it will hurt all of those other businesses that compete with them. Wal-Mart can easily absorb a minimum wage increase. They might need to raise their prices by a fraction of a cent to cover it.
Your local Mom and Pop outfits, however, really are getting the boot as they must raise prices, cut benefits, cut jobs, etc...
Wal-Mart also supports this carbon tax/cap-and-trade legislation, even though the National Retailer's Association is against it. Why? Likely again, because Wal-Mart knows it will hurt their competitors.
This isn't about giving free hand-outs to people,
Yes it is.
it's about raising the standard and quality of life for *everyone*.
You do that through the PRODUCTION of goods and services, NOT by taxing the producers to give hand-outs. America, in a very short time, has created the greatest country in the history of civilization.
All the goodies, from the best healthcare, to shopping malls, to the best universities, to computers, laptops, cellphones, Six Flags, NONE of it came from government or taxes.
THAT'S HOW YOU GET RICH AS AN ENTREPRENEUR. Fill needs. Solve problems. Make things easier for people. Streamline systems better than your competitors. And if someone else is already doing it, find a way to do it better.
In America, we encourage entrepreneurship a great deal, we have a highly-developed financial system that allows far more entrepreneurs to get financing than in other countries, this leads to jobs and wealth creation.
It's government's job to provide for the national defense, regulate commerce, protect our freedoms, and various local government issues like firefighters, policing, and schools.
That's how countries evolve, the bar that is bare minimum is continuously raised so that even the poorest of the poor enjoy some quality of life than simply being written off as "poor, lazy, or sick".
Yes, the bar is raised by the PRIVATE SECTOR.
You know one of the big problems among our "poor?" Obesity. You've got to be one heck of a rich country when your poor are over-fed.
Joe Schmoe who lives in a double-wide and drives a used pickup still likely has computer, high-speed Internet, at least basic cable, air conditioning, heat, refrigerator, electric lighting, stove, other words, he's very wealthy compared to how the average American lived in the 19th century and the billions who live on less than $1 a day in the world today.
Capitalism is what raises the bare minimum. Where will the bare minimum be 100 years from now? Two-hundred years? What products and services that we cannot even imagine right now will the "poor" of the future have?
Thanks to the private sector, the average kid today alone lives in a virtual utopia. I mean jeez, laptops, cellphones, high-speed Internet, modern videogame systems, you can compose music, websites, make movies, etc...all on your laptop with software you can download from the Internet, SIMPLY MIND-BOGGLING!
Government is not what improves people's standard of living. If that was the case, then the Soviet Union would have been a paradise.
One other thing, the more the people come to rely on the government breastmilk, the more baby-like they become. When the government "pays" for your healthcare, childcare, schooling, university, and the care of your parents, and your retirement, adulthood essentially becomes one long form of adolescence, which means a weak and sheep-like, needy people.