My best greyhound story...back in 1998 I rode from Visalia, CA to Ft. Collins, CO. When we stopped in Bakersfield about half of the people who boarded the bus were newly released convicts from Corcoran Prison. So here is 18 year old Picklesuit, 150 pounds on a good day, sitting between 2 250 pound guys straight out of the clink. The funny thing is, they were the nicest guys...after 10 minutes of straight up silence, the guy on my left asked if I had found Jesus and proceeded to proselytize for the next 20 minutes. They were both getting out after 10+ yr sentences for assault/robbery/drugs, and had been "straightened" by jail. We had lunch in Tehachepi and they were pretty forthright with answers to all my stupid questions.
The only ones that were remotely scary were the females who had been released and were talking shit in the front of the bus. They looked like they could whup my ass and not think twice about it. They all got off by Barstow, and the "normal" civilian types that rode the rest of the 27 hours were total dirtbags. Made me miss the parolees. Last time I took the 'hound.