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The need for Speed


Active Member
Maybe it belongs in the stupid questions thread, but how can Boeing state that the Hornet is capable of 1.8? Or is that attainable but just impractical?


Well-Known Member
Maybe it belongs in the stupid questions thread, but how can Boeing state that the Hornet is capable of 1.8? Or is that attainable but just impractical?

Controlled conditions and a bunch of caveats as to how they got it to go that fast.

Fuel and loading, no stores or anything, wash the jet, maybe loose the paint (you laugh but its weight) etc.

Apaches can do 192 mph according to Boeing. Throw 16 hellfires on it, and it wont break 100 knots.


Active Member
Controlled conditions and a bunch of caveats as to how they got it to go that fast.

Fuel and loading, no stores or anything, wash the jet, maybe loose the paint (you laugh but its weight) etc.

Apaches can do 192 mph according to Boeing. Throw 16 hellfires on it, and it wont break 100 knots.

Ah that makes sense. Misleading of them, but makes sense.
And WRT paint - thats why AA goes polished. Nice look, too.

Is it allowed for someone to say what the max practical speed of the f14 & f4 are?


UAL CA; retired hinge
It was a slick -18C with -400 motors ... I don't recall the exact circumstances but we just got the jet back from NADEP & the flight was a confidence hop to clear a landing gear grip. The gear came up with no problems so I went out to the SOA's to log some flight time....

I started above 40k in AB until I couldn't get any faster level, then I unloaded ... I ran out of airspace at 1.55 & around 30k... the jet was vibrating so bad that I thought it was going to fall apart. I'm fairly certain I couldn't have gotten to 1.6. Needless to say, I was out of gas rather quickly.

You're right though, there aren't many chances to get a totally slick Hornet, single ship, out to a working area where you can go through the number.


Jarhead I will say that's the fastest I've EVER heard anyone say they've been in a Hornet....but then again you pretty much have to have an area and time and nothing else to do to really challenge that.

I've been to 1.24....running away....I thought that was good.

Hacker, you can't come on here and post and then not tell us what the F-15 will do in the vertical!


Well-Known Member
the jet was vibrating so bad that I thought it was going to fall apart.
Cool story....that was my next question. I've seen about 560 at about 400' trying to stay in spread with lead....I knew I was going fast when something that usually doesn't make much sound at all starts getting loud.


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
Pretty much 0 KIAS these days. (Just a ballpark figure, though.)

In US operational service that would be true. Plenty of F-4s out there OCONUS and Iran still operates its Tomcats. Fastest F-4 on the planet would have been a few specially modified Israeli Phantoms (Peace Jack) that were designed to cruise at 2.7M and dash to Mach 3+. State Dept put a halt to final delivery, but Israeli did develop several RF-4E(S) high speed variants. One even ran a pursuing Iraqi MiG out of gas.


Well-Known Member
In US operational service that would be true. Plenty of F-4s out there OCONUS and Iran still operates its Tomcats.

Yeah, yeah, yeah...

Look - when I posted that, the Rangers were down 5-1. As a Devils fan, I was happier than a pig in sh!t. I posted something, fully understanding that I would be smacked down at some point by a mere technicality. Thanks for killing my buzz. Now, hopefully the Devils will beat the crap out of the Whalers, so my weekend can be complete.

"I hope it feels so good to be right. There's nothing more exhilarating than pointing out the shortcomings of others, is there?"

Uncle Fester

Robot Pimp
Super Moderator
"I hope it feels so good to be right. There's nothing more exhilarating than pointing out the shortcomings of others, is there?"

And they're not allowed to rent here anymore!

You weren't even supposed to be here today, were you?


Old RIOs never die: They just can't fast-erect
In US operational service that would be true. Plenty of F-4s out there OCONUS and Iran still operates its Tomcats. Fastest F-4 on the planet would have been a few specially modified Israeli Phantoms (Peace Jack) that were designed to cruise at 2.7M and dash to Mach 3+. State Dept put a halt to final delivery, but Israeli did develop several RF-4E(S) high speed variants. One even ran a pursuing Iraqi MiG out of gas.

We need to give the Israelis credit: they took the F-4 & the F-16 and made them uniquely better a/c. They may have done the same w/ the F-15, I just don't know. I believe they put 20,000lb. thrust engines in the Phantom, among other things.

FWIW, the British F-4 also had 20,000lb thrust engines, but it was the slowest Phantom flying. They had several at Pax River back in the late 60's, and the Spey engines had this bad habit of flaming-out when you lit burner at altitude.


It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
Been to mach 2.0 at just a tad over 50k feet in an F-14D. A very smooth ride.

F-14 A will easily hit 1.5 to 1.6 in an easy descent from 40k in AB. It just wants to keep going faster.