My two cents. Flying commercial is a pain in the ass, but for the money you pay it is an incredible bargain. I would never schedule a flight in such a way that one missed connection would have dire consequences, there are too many variables that could cause you to miss the next leg and you have to know that going in.
When the police direct you to do something, do it. If you think you are being mistreated or taken advantage of, after you have complied start the complaint process immediately. We can ( and do ) make mistakes or have officers that are acting outside of policy but resisting at the time is not going to provide you with the best outcome.
It's hard to convey tone in a post, but I am not saying to do what we say because we are the police. In spite of being in LE for 27 years, I still have a mindset that resists the application of force and positional authority but there is a time and place to address complaints. We are right way more than we are wrong, but we do make mistakes at times.