some challenges gettting a PRC-113 to work inside a stadium all you mgiht get is two clicks. As in "IM pushing if I need to delay key twice"
113 is a POS. Our wing had a nice set of commercial Motorolla units - never had any problems.
some challenges gettting a PRC-113 to work inside a stadium all you mgiht get is two clicks. As in "IM pushing if I need to delay key twice"
Our keys to success on this were the following (which map well to the suggestions already made):^^ Some thoughts after having done lots of these things.
We were a bit fast as a result, but the NASCAR crowd loves loud things, and two Prowlers at MRT put out the decibels.
I'm guessing 2000 or 2001. It was the one at the end of Plebe summer over the small stadium. Two Prowlers from 209. From there we went to the pits at Cherry point then on to Key Weird then to PR for a det.
Well, ya made me wonder so I went and pulled the old logbooks out. Flyover was 12 Aug 2000 a 2.0 in buno 161118 NSF to NKT second was a 1.8 for a NKT to NQX. Flew to Roosie the next day with a 3.0 NQX to TJNR.
Lots of times that is set by higher authority and out of the aviator's hands. No excuse for being late/not having a ground radio guy, especially for the Superbowl. I would have imagined that something that big would have included a practice run or three the day prior.
If you are the Rooks then you make your own rules and fly whatever altitude you want...... I was listening to the radio and the announcer was in shock when they fly over, "that was not a fly-over, that was a fly right-by!!!"
Best flyby I've ever seen was when a 4-ship formation of Apaches had to scatter b/c they were late and the 3 ship formation of Rhinos came screaming through... on time.